【转载】cognos 如何安装Sample


I. Restore Databases.
Open a command prompt at C:Cognoscrnwebcontentsamplesdboracle, where you will see four .dmp files.
then import the gosales database to oracle by the command (imp gosales/gosales@orcl file = GOSL.DMP full=y).
Then it will import all the files.After this revoke dba from gosales by the command(revoke dba from gosales).
In the same way, import goretailers and the rest.

II. Define Data Sources.
In Cognos Connection (http://Localhost/cognos8) select Directory, Data Sources, New Data Source (icon).
Set up the four sample databases using the names gosales, goretailers, etc. The Framework Manager model expects these names.
The Oracle connection string should be the same as the service name in tnsnames.ora on the server (eg. orcl)
Use the different userids/passwords for each (eg. gosales/gosales), as set up in Oracle.
You can leave the collation sequence blank (but make sure you select the password checkbox).
Test the connections as you set them up.

III. Publish Framework Manager Package.
Open Framework Manager. Click Open a project... to create it the first time and go to the location
C:Program Filescognosc8webcontentsamplesModelsgosales_goretailersgosales_goretailers.cpf. and then select
data source and type it in the schema.

Open project C:Program FilesCognoscrnwebcontentsamplesmodelsgosales_goretailers.
Click OK to ignore the message telling you the model was created in US English & you’re using UK English.
Select the gosales data source, enter 'gosales' for schema, double-click type, change the interface to 'OR'.
Do similar for goretailers. Right-click each data source & test them.
If the connection fails, select the data source and check that the cmDataSource property matches the name you have
defined in Cognos Connection.
Once all data sources have tested OK, expand the Packages branch, right-click GO Sales and Retailers and publish the package.
You can ignore the package versioning options for now.
Save the model and exit Framework Manager.

IV. Import Sample Reports.
Now we have databases defined, a connection to them from ReportNet, and the metadata model published.
All we need now is the sample reports to run. Copy Cognos_Samples.zip from crnwebcontentsamplescontent to crndeployment
In Cognos Connection, select Home (if you’re not already there), ToolsContent AdministrationImport tab, New Import (icon).
Cognos_Samples should appear in the list. Select Next, then Next again.
On the ‘Select the Public Folders Content’ page, select the checkbox to the left of the Cognos_Samples package.
Select Next, Next again, then Import Now.

V. Test Sample Reports.
Select Home (if you’re not there already), Public Folders, GO Sales and Retailers, Report Studio Report Samples,
and select a report (GO Media is a good one to try). It might take a few seconds to run the first report as everything
fires up. Run some more reports and queries to check that everything is working, and see what’s available to you.
ReportNet is now up and running.


金融其它 · 2011-09-06
IT咨询服务 · 2010-09-17






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  • 最近回答:2011-09-06
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