How to trace native SQL for relational DQM data sources:

How to trace native SQL for relational DQM data sources: 1) Locate the following file in your Cognos installation directory 2) Open it in an editor. Search for the section .. more reading Ref:显示全部
How to trace native SQL for relational DQM data sources:

1) Locate the following file in your Cognos installation directory

2) Open it in an editor. Search for the section ..

more reading Ref:收起

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Resolving the problem

This needs to be done for all report servers.
1.Locate the following file in your Cognos installation directory
For Cognos 10.1.1 or earlier: c10\configuration\xqe.config.xml
For Cognos 10.2 or later : c10\configuration\xqe.diagnosticlogging.xml
2.Open it in an editor.
3.Search for the section
4.In that section look for
5.Change it to
6.From Cognos Administration restart the Query services. Please make sure the correct Java process disappears in Task Manager. If you are unsure restart the complete Service from Cognos Configuration.
After the restart, run the affected report. The native SQL is then located in the XQE trace files. They can be located in ..\logs\xqe. The filename starts with xqelog.
Disable the Trace by restoring the original XML file after collecting the required Logs and restart the Query Service again.
互联网服务 · 2015-01-13


擅长领域: 商业智能大数据cognos

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  • 发布时间:2015-01-13
  • 关注会员:2 人
  • 回答浏览:499
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