教育/培训 服务器serviceprocess


今天第一次安装了cognos10,选择的系统是win2008,服务器是apache,数据库是db2,安装的时候没有问题,安装结束后打开configuration,修改了相关配置,测试服务器连接显示成功,随后启动服务器,但是却报出了如下的错误[ ERROR ] CFG-ERR-0103 Unable to start Cognos 8 service.... 显示全部
[ ERROR ] CFG-ERR-0103 Unable to start Cognos 8 service.
Execution of the external process returns an error code value of '-1'.
Tue Nov 01 15:40:20 2011  INFO  t[1314] CBSNTService Attempt to starting service "CognosService"
Tue Nov 01 15:40:20 2011  INFO  t[1314] CBSNTService Starting service "CognosService"
Tue Nov 01 15:40:20 2011  INFO  t[1314] CBSNTService Waiting for service to start...
Tue Nov 01 15:50:51 2011  INFO  t[1314] CBSNTService Started service "CognosService"

Tue Nov 01 15:50:51 2011  INFO  t[1314] CBSBootstrapService attempt to load config from "C:Program Files (x86)ibmcognosc10.bin./bootstrap_win32.xml"
Tue Nov 01 15:50:54 2011  ERROR t[1314] CBSSocketCommand failed to connect, CAM error: -12CAM-CRP-0026 The underlying socket: '' returned an error.10061Could not connect the socket, errno: 0x274d(10061)
Tue Nov 01 15:50:59 2011  ERROR t[1314] CBSSocketCommand failed to connect, CAM error: -12CAM-CRP-0026 The underlying socket: '' returned an error.10061Could not connect the socket, errno: 0x274d(10061)
Tue Nov 01 15:51:04 2011  ERROR t[1314] CBSSocketCommand failed to connect, CAM error: -12CAM-CRP-0026 The underlying socket: '' returned an error.10061Could not connect the socket, errno: 0x274d(10061)
Tue Nov 01 15:51:09 2011  ERROR t[1314] CBSSocketCommand failed to connect, CAM error: -12CAM-CRP-0026 The underlying socket: '' returned an error.10061Could not connect the socket, errno: 0x274d(10061)
Tue Nov 01 15:51:14 2011  ERROR t[1314] CBSSocketCommand failed to connect, CAM error: -12CAM-CRP-0026 The underlying socket: '' returned an error.10061Could not connect the socket, errno: 0x274d(10061)
Tue Nov 01 15:51:16 2011  INFO  t[1314] CBSBootstrapService testReadyByPingingWin - child processes are not ready, stop trying.

查了一下数据库的编码是utf-8没错,大家帮我看看这是什么问题~~~~~~ 收起

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mqni mqni 商业智能工程师 IBM
回复 8# xc7042318

    一样的问题 我还有个java home给tomcat用的 真蛋疼
IT咨询服务 · 2013-11-26


商业智能工程师 IBM
擅长领域: 大数据商业智能cognos

mqni 最近回答过的问题


  • 发布时间:2013-11-26
  • 关注会员:1 人
  • 回答浏览:1139
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