
各位高手,我的cognos服务器在昨天突然无法启动,报CFG-ERR-0106 IBM Cognos Configuration 在指定时间内未收到 IBM Cognos 8 服务的响应这个错误,然后我在网站上查了一些解决的办法,在cogconfig.prefs文件中增加以下两个配置ServiceWaitInterval=1000*默认是500,代表0.5秒Ser...显示全部
各位高手,我的cognos服务器在昨天突然无法启动,报CFG-ERR-0106 IBM Cognos Configuration 在指定时间内未收到 IBM Cognos 8 服务的响应这个错误,然后我在网站上查了一些解决的办法,在cogconfig.prefs文件中增加以下两个配置

然后保存后重新启动服务,这次不报CFG-ERR-0106的错了,开始报CFG-ERR-0103 无法启动 IBM Cognos 8 服务。



Wed Nov 17 02:49:47 2010  INFO  t[f04] CBSBootstrapService attempt to load config from "./bootstrap_winx64.xml"
Wed Nov 17 02:49:52 2010  INFO  t[f04] CBSBootstrapService IBM Cognos Bootstrap Service running as process 1732.
Wed Nov 17 02:50:22 2010  WARN  t[4c4] CBSSockSendAction did not detect success string in response.
Wed Nov 17 02:50:52 2010  WARN  t[4c4] CBSSockSendAction did not detect success string in response.
Wed Nov 17 02:51:22 2010  WARN  t[4c4] CBSSockSendAction did not detect success string in response.
Wed Nov 17 02:51:52 2010  WARN  t[4c4] CBSSockSendAction did not detect success string in response.
Wed Nov 17 02:52:22 2010  WARN  t[4c4] CBSSockSendAction did not detect success string in response.
Wed Nov 17 02:52:52 2010  WARN  t[4c4] CBSSockSendAction did not detect success string in response.
Wed Nov 17 02:53:22 2010  WARN  t[4c4] CBSSockSendAction did not detect success string in response.
Wed Nov 17 02:53:52 2010  WARN  t[4c4] CBSSockSendAction did not detect success string in response.
Wed Nov 17 02:54:22 2010  WARN  t[4c4] CBSSockSendAction did not detect success string in response.
Wed Nov 17 02:54:52 2010  WARN  t[4c4] CBSSockSendAction did not detect success string in response.
Wed Nov 17 02:54:52 2010  ERROR t[f04] CBSBootstrapService askPCPifReady() - child processes not yet ready, giving up.
Wed Nov 17 02:55:22 2010  WARN  t[4c4] CBSSockSendAction did not detect success string in response.
Wed Nov 17 02:55:52 2010  WARN  t[4c4] CBSSockSendAction did not detect success string in response.
Wed Nov 17 02:56:22 2010  WARN  t[4c4] CBSSockSendAction did not detect success string in response.
Wed Nov 17 02:56:52 2010  WARN  t[4c4] CBSSockSendAction did not detect success string in response.
Wed Nov 17 02:57:16 2010  INFO  t[b74] PingChildProcess Child process supervisor has been told to stop
Wed Nov 17 02:57:16 2010  INFO  t[4c4] PingChildProcess stopping child process(es).
Wed Nov 17 02:57:16 2010  INFO  t[b74] CBSBootstrapService Waiting for processes to stop.
Wed Nov 17 02:57:19 2010  INFO  t[4c4] PingChildProcess no processes are alive.
Wed Nov 17 02:57:19 2010  INFO  t[b74] CBSBootstrapService Done wait for processes to stop.
Wed Nov 17 02:57:19 2010  INFO  t[b74] CBSBootstrapService signal main thread to wake (and die).
Wed Nov 17 02:57:19 2010  INFO  t[f04] CBSBootstrapService CBSBootstrapService::Run() - returned from m_semaMainThreadWait->wait()
Wed Nov 17 02:57:19 2010  INFO  t[f04] CBSBootstrapService calling m_pStatusUpdaterThread->interruptWait( SERVICE_STOP_PENDING )
Wed Nov 17 02:57:19 2010  INFO  t[f04] CBSBootstrapService Sleep a bit to let the service status updater shutdown.
Wed Nov 17 02:57:20 2010  INFO  t[f04] CBSBootstrapService Done.收起

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互联网服务 · 2011-12-30


擅长领域: 大数据商业智能cognos

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  • 发布时间:2011-12-30
  • 关注会员:1 人
  • 回答浏览:1183
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