作者pysx0503·2020-04-25 22:53


字数 11354阅读 2830评论 0赞 6


1. GPFS 规划 4

2. GPFS 实施 4

2.1. GPFS 安装 4

2.1.1. 建立主机文件 4

2.1.2. 配置远程执行命令 5

2.1.3. 安装 GPFS 5

2.2. RAC 集群和 GPFS 5

2.2.1. 建立集群节点和磁盘描述文件 5

2.2.2. 建立 GPFS 集群 6

2.2.3. 列举集群信息 6

2.2.4. 建立 NSD 6

2.2.5. 列举 NSD 信息 7

2.2.6. 建立 Tie Breaker 盘 7

2.2.7. 配置 Tie Breaker 盘 7

2.2.8. 启动 GPFS 8

2.2.9. 建立 GPFS 文件系统 8

2.3. WAS 集群和 GPFS 9

2.3.1. 建立集群节点和磁盘描述文件 9

2.3.2. 建立 GPFS 集群 9

2.3.3. 列举集群信息 10

2.3.4. 建立 NSD 10

2.3.5. 建立 Tie Breaker 盘 10

2.3.6. 列举 NSD 信息 11

2.3.7. 配置 Tie Breaker 盘 11

2.3.8. 启动 GPFS 11

2.3.9. 建立 GPFS 文件系统 12

3. 附录: GPFS 常用命令 13

3.1. 启动和停止 GPFS 系统 13

3.1.1. 启动所有节点的 GPFS 系统 13

3.1.2. 停止所有节点的 GPFS 系统 13

3.2. 挂载和卸载 GPFS 文件系统 13

3.2.1. 挂载 GPFS 文件系统 13

3.2.2. 卸载 GPFS 文件系统 14

3.3. 增加或删除 GPFS 磁盘 14

3.3.1. 增加 GPFS 磁盘 14

3.3.2. 从 GPFS 中删除 磁盘 15

3.3.3. 把磁盘从 NSD 中删除 15

3.4. GPFS 状态检查 16

1. GPFS规划**

项目中,有2台IBMp570的服务器,划分了6个逻辑分区。在这6个分区中,2个用于Oracle数据库的RAC,4个用于WAS。存储设备为IBM DS4800,配有16块硬盘,通过RAID 5对磁盘数据进行保护,一共划分了13块136GB的逻辑硬盘。在这些逻辑硬盘中,指定了6块用于RAC和WAS。




2. GPFS实施**

2.1. GPFS安装**

2.1.1. 建立主机文件**


#GPFS+RAC Interconn sr21_rac sr22_rac sr23_rac sr11_rac sr12_rac sr24_rac sr24 sr23_svc sr23

2.1.2. 配置远程执行命令**

把集群中的节点地址加入文件 ” ~/.rhosts ”

2.1.3. 安装GPFS**


2.2. RAC集群和GPFS**

2.2.1. 建立集群节点和磁盘描述文件** 集群节点描述文件**


s r24_rac :quorum-manager

sr23_svc :quorum-manager 集群磁盘描述文件**



h disk 3:::dataAndMetadata:1:racnsd02

h disk 4:::dataAndMetadata:1:racnsd03

h disk 5:::dataAndMetadata:1:racnsd04

在目录/etc/gpfs_config下建立TieBreaker磁盘描述文件 gpfs_disks_tb ,内容如下:

H disk6:::::racnsd_tb1

H disk7:::::racnsd_tb2

H disk8:::::racnsd_tb3

2.2.2. 建立GPFS集群**

命令: # mmcrcluster -N gpfs_nodes -p sr11_rac -s sr24_rac -C rac_cluster –A


Wed Jul 30 11:16:37 BEIST 2008: mmcrcluster: Processing node sr11_rac

Wed Jul 30 11:16:38 BEIST 2008: mmcrcluster: Processing node sr24_rac

mmcrcluster: Command successfully completed

mmcrcluster: Propagating the cluster configuration data to all affected nodes. This is an asynchronous process.

2.2.3. 列举集群信息

命令: # mmlscluster


GPFS cluster information


GPFS cluster name: rac_cluster.sr11_rac

GPFS cluster id: 795741876481154325

GPFS UID domain: rac_cluster.sr11_rac

Remote shell command: /usr/bin/rsh

Remote file copy command: /usr/bin/rcp

GPFS cluster configuration servers:


Primary server: sr11_rac

Secondary server: sr24_rac

Node Daemon node name IP address Admin node name Designation


1 sr11_rac sr11_rac quorum-manager

2 sr24_rac sr24_rac quorum-manager

2.2.4. 建立NSD**

命令: # mmcrnsd -F gpfs_disks_rac


mmcrnsd: Processing disk hdisk2

mmcrnsd: Processing disk hdisk3

mmcrnsd: Processing disk hdisk4

mmcrnsd: Processing disk hdisk5

mmcrnsd: Propagating the cluster configuration data to all affected nodes. This is an asynchronous process.

2.2.5. 列举NSD信息**

命令: # mmlsnsd


File system Disk name NSD servers


(free disk) racnsd01 (directly attached)

(free disk) racnsd02 (directly attached)

(free disk) racnsd03 (directly attached)

(free disk) racnsd04 (directly attached)

2.2.6. 建立Tie Breaker盘**

命令: # mmcrnsd -F gpfs_disks_tb


mmcrnsd: Processing disk hdisk6

mmcrnsd: Processing disk hdisk7

mmcrnsd: Processing disk hdisk8

mmcrnsd: Propagating the cluster configuration data to all affected nodes. This is an asynchronous process.

2.2.7. 配置Tie Breaker盘**

命令: # mmchconfig tiebreakerDisks="racnsd_tb1;racnsd_tb2;racnsd_tb3"


Verifying GPFS is stopped on all nodes ...

mmchconfig: Command successfully completed

mmchconfig: Propagating the cluster configuration data to all affected nodes. This is an asynchronous process.

2.2.8. 启动GPFS**

命令: # mmstartup -a


Wed Jul 30 11:25:36 BEIST 2008: mmstartup: Starting GPFS ...

2.2.9. 建立GPFS文件系统**

命令: # mmcrfs /dbdata dbdata -F gpfs_disks_rac -A yes -B 512k -M2 -m2 -R2 -r2 -n 8 -N 5 00 0000


The following disks of dbdata will be formatted on node sr24:

racnsd01: size 142606336 KB

racnsd02: size 142606336 KB

racnsd03: size 142606336 KB

racnsd04: size 142606336 KB

Formatting file system ...

Disks up to size 593 GB can be added to storage pool 'system'.

Creating Inode File

Creating Allocation Maps

Clearing Inode Allocation Map

Clearing Block Allocation Map

Formatting Allocation Map for storage pool 'system'

Completed creation of file system /dev/dbdata.

mmcrfs: Propagating the cluster configuration data to all affected nodes. This is an asynchronous process.

2.3. WAS集群和GPFS**

2.3.1. 建立集群节点和磁盘描述文件** 集群节点描述文件**


S r 12 _rac :quorum-manager

Sr 21 _svc :quorum-manager

Sr 22 _svc :quorum

Sr 23 _svc :quorum 集群磁盘描述文件**


hdisk2:::dataAndMetadata:1: was nsd01

h disk 3:::dataAndMetadata:1: was nsd02

在目录 /etc/gpfs_config 下建立 TieBreaker 磁盘描述文件 gpfs_disks_tb ,内容如下:

H disk4:::::wasnsd_tb1

H disk5:::::wasnsd_tb2

H disk6:::::wasnsd_tb3

2.3.2. 建立GPFS集群**

命令: # mmcrcluster -N gpfs_nodes -p sr12_rac -s sr21_rac -C was _ cluster -A


Wed Jul 30 13:24:10 BEIST 2008: mmcrcluster: Processing node sr12_rac

Wed Jul 30 13:24:11 BEIST 2008: mmcrcluster: Processing node sr21_rac

Wed Jul 30 13:24:12 BEIST 2008: mmcrcluster: Processing node sr22_rac

Wed Jul 30 13:24:13 BEIST 2008: mmcrcluster: Processing node sr23_rac

mmcrcluster: Command successfully completed

mmcrcluster: Propagating the cluster configuration data to all affected nodes. This is an asynchronous process.

2.3.3. 列举集群信息

命令: # mmlscluster

GPFS cluster information


GPFS cluster name: wascluster.sr12_rac

GPFS cluster id: 795741880776129274

GPFS UID domain: wascluster.sr12_rac

Remote shell command: /usr/bin/rsh

Remote file copy command: /usr/bin/rcp

GPFS cluster configuration servers:


Primary server: sr12_rac

Secondary server: sr21_rac

Node Daemon node name IP address Admin node name Designation


1 sr12_rac sr12_rac quorum-manager

2 sr21_rac sr21_rac quorum-manager

3 sr22_rac sr22_rac quorum

4 sr23_rac sr23_rac quorum

2.3.4. 建立NSD**

命令: # mmcrnsd -F gpfs_disks_ was


mmcrnsd: Processing disk hdisk2

mmcrnsd: Processing disk hdisk3

mmcrnsd: Propagating the cluster configuration data to all affected nodes. This is an asynchronous process.

2.3.5. 建立Tie Breaker盘**

命令: # mmcrnsd -F gpfs_disks_tb


mmcrnsd: Processing disk hdisk4

mmcrnsd: Processing disk hdisk5

mmcrnsd: Processing disk hdisk6

mmcrnsd: Propagating the cluster configuration data to all affected nodes. This is an asynchronous process.

2.3.6. 列举NSD信息**

命令: # mmlsnsd


File system Disk name NSD servers


(free disk) wasnsd01 (directly attached)

(free disk) wasnsd02 (directly attached)

(free disk) wasnsd_tb1 (directly attached)

(free disk) wasnsd_tb2 (directly attached)

(free disk) wasnsd_tb3 (directly attached)

2.3.7. 配置Tie Breaker盘**

命令: # mmchconfig tiebreakerDisks="racnsd_tb1;racnsd_tb2;racnsd_tb3"


Verifying GPFS is stopped on all nodes ...

mmchconfig: Command successfully completed

mmchconfig: Propagating the cluster configuration data to all affected nodes. This is an asynchronous process.

2.3.8. 启动GPFS**

命令: # mmstartup -a


Wed Jul 30 13:31:52 BEIST 2008: mmstartup: Starting GPFS ...

2.3.9. 建立GPFS文件系统**

命令: # mmcrfs /srccode srccode -F gpfs_disks_was -A yes -B 512k -M2 -m2 -R2 -r2 -n 8 -N 100 0000


The following disks of srccode will be formatted on node sr21:

wasnsd01: size 142606336 KB

wasnsd02: size 142606336 KB

Formatting file system ...

Disks up to size 295 GB can be added to storage pool 'system'.

Creating Inode File

Creating Allocation Maps

Clearing Inode Allocation Map

Clearing Block Allocation Map

Formatting Allocation Map for storage pool 'system'

Completed creation of file system /dev/srccode.

mmcrfs: Propagating the cluster configuration data to all affected nodes. This is an asynchronous process.


3. 附录:GPFS常用命令**

以下为GPFS常用命令及语法,具体参数说明见GPFS参考文档: General Parallel File System Administration and Programming Reference V3.2

3.1. 启动和停止GPFS系统**

3.1.1. 启动所有节点的GPFS系统**


mmstartup [ -a | -N { Node [, Node ...] | NodeFile | NodeClass }] [ -E_EnvVar_ = value ...]

命令:mmstartup – a

3.1.2. 停止所有节点的GPFS系统**


mmshutdown [ -t_UnmountTimeout_ ] [ -a | -N { Node [, Node ...] | NodeFile | NodeClass }]

命令:mmshutdown – a

3.2. 挂载和卸载GPFS文件系统**

3.2.1. 挂载GPFS文件系统**


mmmount {_Device_|_DefaultMountPoint_| all | all_local | all_remote} [-o_MountOptions_] [-a | -N {_Node_[,_Node_...] |_NodeFile_|_NodeClass_}]**

命令:mmmount srccode – a,或mmmount dbdata – a。

3.2.2. 卸载GPFS文件系统**


mmumount {_Device_|_MountPoint_| all | all_local | all_remote} [-f ] [-a | -N {_Node_[,_Node_...] |_NodeFile_|_NodeClass_}]**

命令: mmumount srccode – a或mmumount dbdata -a

3.3. 增加或删除GPFS磁盘**

3.3.1. 增加GPFS磁盘** 建立磁盘描述文件**

# more gpfs_disks_new

hdisk3:::dataAndMetadata:2:wasnsd02 增加磁盘**

命令: # mmadddisk srccode -F ./gpfs_disks_new -r


The following disks of srccode will be formatted on node sr12:

wasnsd02: size 142606336 KB

Extending Allocation Map

Checking Allocation Map for storage pool 'system'

Completed adding disks to file system srccode.

mmadddisk: Propagating the cluster configuration data to all

affected nodes. This is an asynchronous process.

Restriping srccode ...

Scanning file system metadata, phase 1 ...

Scan completed successfully.

Scanning file system metadata, phase 2 ...

Scan completed successfully.

Scanning file system metadata, phase 3 ...

Scan completed successfully.

Scanning file system metadata, phase 4 ...

Scan completed successfully.

Scanning user file metadata ...

Scan completed successfully.


3.3.2. GPFS中删除磁盘

命令: # mmdeldisk srccode wasnsd02


Deleting disks ...

Scanning system storage pool

Scanning file system metadata, phase 1 ...

Scan completed successfully.

Scanning file system metadata, phase 2 ...

Scan completed successfully.

Scanning file system metadata, phase 3 ...

Scan completed successfully.

Scanning file system metadata, phase 4 ...

Scan completed successfully.

Scanning user file metadata ...

Attention: 9 out of 22 user or system files are not properly replicated:

The desired replication factor exceeds the number of available failure groups.

Checking Allocation Map for storage pool 'system'

Attention: A disk being removed reduces the number of failure groups to 1,

which is below the number required for replication: 2.

New blocks will be allocated from the remaining disks,

but files will be unreplicated and hence at risk.

tsdeldisk64 completed.

mmdeldisk: Propagating the cluster configuration data to all affected nodes. This is an asynchronous process.

3.3.3. 把磁盘从NSD中删除**

命令: # mmdelnsd "wasnsd02"


mmdelnsd: Processing disk wasnsd02

mmdelnsd: Propagating the cluster configuration data to all affected nodes. This is an asynchronous process.

3.4. GPFS状态检查**

语法: mmgetstate [ -L ] [ -s ] [ -v ] [ -a | -N { Node [, Node ...] | NodeFile | NodeClass }]

命令:mmgetstate – a – L



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