作者光洋山·2010-05-08 05:29

Informix 常见 Error : finderr

字数 38462阅读 139406评论 0赞 1
-201 A syntax error has occurred.
-202 An illegal character has been found in the statement.
-203 An illegal integer has been found in the statement.
-204 An illegal floating point number has been found in the statement.
-205 Cannot use ROWID for views with aggregates, group by or on multiple tables.
-206 The specified table is not in the database.
-207 Cannot update cursor declared on more than one table.
-208 Memory allocation failed during query processing.
-209 Incompatible database format.
-210 Explicit path name too long.
-211 Cannot read system catalog .
-212 Cannot add index.
-213 Statement interrupted by user.
-214 Cannot remove file for table table-name.
-215 Cannot open file for table table-name.
-216 Cannot remove index.
-217 Column column-name not found in any table in the query (or SLV is undefined).
-218 Synonym synonym-name not found.
-219 Wildcard matching may not be used with non-character types.
-220 There is no FROM clause in the query.
-221 Cannot build temporary file for new table table-name.
-222 Cannot write to temporary file for new table table-name.
-223 Duplicate table name table-name in the FROM clause.
-224 Cannot open transaction log file.
-225 Cannot create file for system catalog table-name.
-226 Cannot create index for system catalog table-name.
-227 DDL operations on ROWID prohibited.
-228 UPDATE or INSERT on ROWID prohibited.
-229 Could not open or create a temporary file.
-230 Could not read a temporary file.
-231 Cannot perform aggregate function with distinct on expression.
-232 A SERIAL column column-name may not be updated.
-233 Cannot read record that is locked by another user.
-234 Cannot insert into virtual column column-name.
-235 Character column size is too big.
-236 Number of columns in INSERT does not match number of VALUES.
-237 Cannot begin work.
-238 Cannot commit work.
-239 Could not insert new row - duplicate value in a UNIQUE INDEX column.
-240 Could not delete a row.
-241 Cannot rollback work.
-242 Could not open database table table-name.
-243 Could not position within a table table-name.
-244 Could not do a physical-order read to fetch next row.
-245 Could not position within a file via an index.
-246 Could not do an indexed read to get the next row.
-247 Rollforward database failed.
-248 Cannot commit savepoint.
-249 Virtual column must have explicit name.
-250 Cannot read record from file for update.
-251 ORDER BY or GROUP BY column number is too big.
-252 Cannot get system information for table.
-253 Identifier length exceeds the maximum allowed by this version of the server.
-254 Too many or too few host variables given.
-255 Not in transaction.
-256 Transaction not available.
-257 System limit on maximum number of statements exceeded, maximum is count.
-258 System error - invalid statement id received by the sqlexec process.
-259 Cursor not open.
-260 Cannot execute a SELECT statement that is PREPAREd - must use cursor.
-261 Cannot create file for table table-name.
-262 There is no current cursor.
-263 Could not lock row for UPDATE.
-264 Could not write to a temporary file.
-265 Load or insert cursors must be run within a transaction.
-266 There is no current row for UPDATE/DELETE cursor.
-267 The cursor has been previously released and is unavailable.
-268 Unique constraint violated.
-269 Cannot add column column-name that does not accept nulls.
-270 Could not position within a temporary file.
-271 Could not insert new row into the table.
-272 No SELECT permission.
-273 No UPDATE permission.
-274 No DELETE permission.
-275 No INSERT permission.
-276 Cursor not found.
-277 UPDATE table table-name is not the same as the cursor table.
-278 Too many ORDER BY columns.
-279 Cannot grant or revoke database privileges for table or view.
-280 A quoted string exceeds 256 bytes.
-281 Could not add index to a temporary table.
-282 Found a quote for which there is no matching quote.
-283 Found a non-terminated comment ("{" with no matching "}").
-284 A subquery has returned not exactly one row.
-285 Invalid cursor received by sqlexec.
-286 Default value of the primary key column column-name is NULL.
-287 Cannot add serial column column-name to table.
-288 Table table-name not locked by current user.
-289 Cannot lock table table-name in requested mode.
-290 Cursor not declared with FOR UPDATE clause.
-291 Cannot change lock mode of table.
-292 An implied insert column column-name does not accept NULLs.
-293 IS [NOT] NULL predicate may be used only with simple columns.
-294 The column column-name must be in the GROUP BY list.
-295 Referenced and referencing tables have to be in the same database.
-296 Referenced table table-name not found.
-297 Cannot find unique constraint or primary key on referenced table .
-298 Cannot grant permission to public with grant option.
-299 Cannot grant permission to self.
-300 There are too many GROUP BY columns.
-301 The total size of the GROUP BY columns is too big.
-302 No GRANT option or illegal option on multi-table view.
-303 Expression mixes columns with aggregates.
-304 HAVING can only have expressions with aggregates or columns in GROUP BY clause.
-305 Subscripted column column-name is not of type CHAR, VARCHAR, TEXT nor BYTES.
-306 Subscript out of range.
-307 Illegal subscript definition.
-308 Corresponding column types must be compatible for each UNION statement.
-309 ORDER BY column column-name must be in SELECT list.
-310 Table table-name already exists in database.
-311 Cannot open system catalog table-name.
-312 Cannot update system catalog table-name.
-313 Not owner of table.
-314 Table table-name currently in use.
-315 No create index permission.
-316 Index index-name already exists in database.
-317 Must have the same number of selected columns in each UNION element.
-318 File with the same name as specified log file already exists.
-319 Index does not exist.
-320 Not owner of index.
-321 Cannot group by aggregate column.
-322 Cannot create a trigger on, alter, rename view view-name.
-323 Cannot grant permission on temporary table.
-324 Ambiguous column column-name.
-325 Filename must be specified with a full path name.
-326 Referential constraint has too many referenced columns.
-327 Cannot unlock table table-name within a transaction.
-328 Column column-name already exists in table.
-329 Database not found or no system permission.
-330 Cannot create database.
-331 Cannot drop database directory.
-332 Cannot access audit trail name information.
-333 The audit trail file already exists with a different name.
-334 Cannot create audit trail.
-335 There is no audit trail for the specified table.
-336 Cannot create or drop audit on a temporary table table-name.
-337 Cannot create view on temporary table table-name.
-338 Cannot drop audit trail.
-339 The audit trail file name must be given in full directory path.
-340 Cannot open audit trail file.
-341 Could not read a row from audit trail file.
-342 Remote host cannot execute statement.
-343 Row from audit trail was added to a different position than expected.
-344 Cannot delete row - row in table does not match row in audit trail.
-345 Cannot update row - row in table does not match row in audit trail.
-346 Could not update a row in the table.
-347 Could not open table for exclusive access.
-348 Could not read a row from the table.
-349 Database not selected yet.
-350 Index already exists on column.
-351 Database contains tables owned by other users.
-352 Column column-name not found.
-353 No table or view specified when granting/revoking privileges.
-354 Incorrect database or cursor name format.
-355 Cannot rename file for table.
-356 Data type of the referencing and referenced columns do not match.
-357 Dependent table for view view-name has been altered.
-358 Must close current database before CREATE, START or ROLLFORWARD.
-359 Cannot drop current database.
-360 Cannot modify table or view used in subquery.
-361 Column size too large.
-362 Can have only one column of serial/serial8 type.
-363 CURSOR not on SELECT statement.
-364 Column column-name not declared for UPDATE OF.
-365 Cursor must be on simple SELECT for FOR UPDATE.
-366 The scale exceeds the maximum precision specified.
-367 Sums and averages cannot be computed for character columns.
-368 Incompatible sqlexec module.
-369 Invalid serial number. Please consult your installation instructions.
-370 Cannot drop last column.
-371 Cannot create unique index on column with duplicate data.
-372 Cannot alter table with audit trail on.
-373 DBPATH too long.
-374 Can only use column number in ORDER BY clause with UNION.
-375 Cannot create log file for transaction.
-376 Log file already exists.
-377 Must terminate transaction before closing database.
-378 Record currently locked by another user.
-379 Cannot revoke privilege on columns.
-380 Cannot erase log file.
-381 Cannot grant to someone who has granted you the same privilege before.
-382 Same number of columns must be specified for view and select clause.
-383 Need to specify view column names in the view definition.
-384 Cannot modify non simple view.
-385 Data value out of range.
-386 Column contains null values.
-387 No connect permission.
-388 No resource permission.
-389 No DBA permission.
-390 Synonym already used as table name or synonym.
-391 Cannot insert a null into column column-name.
-392 System error - unexpected null pointer encountered.
-393 A condition in the where clause results in a two-sided outer join.
-394 View view-name not found.
-395 The where clause contains an outer cartesian product.
-396 Illegal join between a nested outer table and a preserved table.
-397 System catalog corrupted.
-398 Cursor manipulation must be within a transaction.
-399 Cannot access log file.
-400 Fetch attempted on unopen cursor.
-401 Fetch attempted on NULL cursor.
-402 Address of a host variable is NULL.
-403 The size of a received row disagrees with the expected size.
-404 The cursor or statement is not available.
-405 The Address of a host variable is not properly aligned.
-406 Memory allocation failed.
-407 Error number zero received from the sqlexec process.
-408 Invalid message type received from the sqlexec process.
-409 Sqlexec was not found or was not executable by the current user.
-410 Prepare statement failed or was not executed.
-411 Cannot specify both host variables and descriptor.
-412 Command pointer is NULL.
-413 Insert attempted on unopen cursor.
-414 Insert attempted on NULL cursor.
-415 Data conversion error.
-416 USING option with open statement is invalid for insert cursor.
-417 FLUSH can only be used on an insert cursor.
-418 NULL SQLDA descriptor or host variable list encountered.
-419 SQLDATA pointer in SQLDA or host variable is null.
-420 Cannot execute remote sqlexec.
-421 Unknown service for execution of remote sqlexec.
-422 Flush attempted on unopen cursor.
-423 A FETCH CURRENT was attempted with no current row.
-424 Cursor already declared from this prepared statement.
-425 Database is currently opened by another user.
-426 Unknown values have already been supplied.
-427 Bind count routine called with a different count.
-428 Bind routine called too many times.
-429 Indicator variables should be 2-byte integers.
-430 Type integer does not match size.
-431 Type float does not match size.
-432 Type date does not match size.
-433 Type money does not match size.
-434 Type decimal does not match size.
-435 Time-out value must be -1 or greater.
-436 Call back function must be defined when time-out value is 0 or greater.
-437 Connection must be established before registering callback function.
-438 Call back function must be NULL if time-out value is -1.
-439 Database server is currently processing an SQL task.
-440 Cannot update more than one non-Informix DBMS within a transaction.
-441 Possible inconsistent data at the target DBMS (%s) due to an aborted commit.
-450 Illegal ESQL locator, or uninitialized blob variable in 4GL.
-451 Locator buffer size too small.
-452 'loc_open()' failed.
-453 'loc_close()' failed.
-454 'loc_read()' failed.
-455 'loc_write()' failed.
-456 Indicator value cannot fit in host variable.
-457 Database server terminated unexpectedly.
-458 Long transaction aborted.
-459 Informix Dynamic Server 2000 was shut down.
-460 Statement length exceeds maximum.
-461 File open error.
-462 File close error.
-463 File read error.
-464 File write error.
-465 No more memory for locator buffer.
-466 File length error.
-467 Indicator object is missing.
-468 Cannot obtain user id from system: unable to start database server.
-469 This descriptor does not exist.
-470 The value of occurrence must be greater than 0.
-471 An invalid descriptor name has been used.
-472 Occurrence value is out of range.
-473 The specified data type is not a X/Open standard type.
-474 Unknown field type.
-475 In a GET statement, if DATA is null, then INDICATOR must be specified.
-476 The LENGTH field must be specified when the type is SQLCHAR.
-477 Buffer is too small.
-478 User must specify TYPE.
-479 The number of DESCRIBED columns is greater than the allocated space.
-480 A descriptor with the same name already exists.
-481 Invalid statement name or statement was not prepared.
-482 Invalid operation on a non-SCROLL cursor.
-483 SQL descriptor's name is too long. Limit is 128 characters.
-484 Statement/cursor's name must be between 1 to 128 characters.
-485 Number of host variables does not match SELECT list.
-486 Illegal data type found during data conversions.
-487 A cursor can only be declared as static or dynamic.
-488 Invalid operation on cursor.
-489 Exception number out of bounds.
-490 Database was created without NLS functionality.
-491 DBNLS not set (LC_COLLATE must be string_value).
-492 LANG or LC_COLLATE environment variable invalid.
-493 DBNLS not set (LC_CTYPE must be string_value).
-494 LANG or LC_CTYPE environment variable invalid.
-495 LANG or LC_MONETARY environment variable invalid.
-496 LANG or LC_NUMERIC environment variable invalid.
-497 LANG or LC_TIME environment variable invalid.
-498 Bad cixtomsg file. Please check installation.
-499 The operation causes a rowsize to exceed the allowable limit (32767).
-500 Clustered index index-name already exists in the table.
-501 Index index-name is already not clustered.
-502 Cannot cluster index.
-503 Too many tables locked.
-504 Cannot lock a view.
-505 Number of columns in UPDATE does not match number of VALUES.
-506 Do not have permission to update all columns.
-507 Cursor cursor-name not found.
-508 Cannot rename a temporary table.
-509 Cannot rename a column in a temporary table.
-510 Cannot create synonym for temporary table table-name.
-511 Cannot modify system catalog table-name.
-512 No References privilege on the referenced columns.
-513 Statement not available with this database server.
-514 Only DBA can create, drop, or grant for another user.
-515 Constraint constraint-name has already been dropped.
-516 System error - temporary output file not created yet.
-517 The total size of the index is too large or too many parts in index.
-518 Child constraint constraint-name not found.
-519 Cannot update column to illegal value.
-520 Cannot open database tblspace.
-521 Cannot lock system catalog table-name.
-522 Table table-name not selected in query.
-523 Can only recover, repair or drop table.
-524 Lock table can only be used within a transaction.
-525 Failure to satisfy referential constraint constraint-name.
-526 Updates are not allowed on a scroll cursor.
-527 Lock Mode is not available on this system.
-528 Maximum output rowsize max-size exceeded.
-529 Cannot attach to shared memory.
-530 Check constraint constraint-name failed.
-531 Duplicate column column-name exists in view.
-532 Cannot alter temporary table table-name.
-533 Extent size too small, minimum size is number k.
-534 Could not insert new row into table, table is locked.
-535 Already in transaction.
-536 Number of columns in child constraint does not match number of cols in parent constraint.
-537 Constraint column column-name not found in table.
-538 Cursor cursor-name has already been declared.
-539 DBTEMP too long.
-540 Write failed on constraints.
-541 User does not have ALTER privilege.
-542 Cannot specify a column more than once in a constraint, trigger, or index.
-543 ESCAPE character must be only one character.
-544 Cannot have aggregates within aggregates.
-545 No write permission for table table-name.
-546 Cannot have host variables when creating a view view-name.
-547 Must rollforward database in the directory where the database is.
-548 No referential constraint or trigger allowed on a TEMP table.
-549 Column column-name in UNIQUE constraint is not a column in the table.
-550 Total length of columns in constraint is too long.
-551 The constraint contains too many columns.
-552 Blob host variables are disallowed in multi-statement prepares.
-553 Mkdbsdir not found in $INFORMIXDIR/bin. Consult your installation instructions.
-554 Syntax disallowed in this database server.
-555 Cannot use a select or any of the database statements in a multi-query prepare.
-556 Cannot create, drop, or modify an object that is external.
-557 Cannot locate table that is external to the current database after levels of synonym mapping.
-558 Changrp not found in $INFORMIXDIR/bin. Consult your installation instructions.
-559 Cannot create a synonym on top of another synonym.
-560 Synonym with tabid number not found in systables.
-561 Sums and averages cannot be computed on datetime values.
-562 Database conversion failed.
-563 Cannot acquire exclusive lock for database conversion.
-564 Cannot sort rows.
-565 Cannot read sorted rows.
-566 Cannot initiate sort.
-567 Cannot write sorted rows.
-568 Cannot reference an external database without logging.
-569 Cannot reference an external database with logging.
-570 Cannot reference an external ANSI database.
-571 Cannot reference an external non-ANSI database.
-572 The specified wait duration is too long.
-573 Cannot set log to buffered in a mode ANSI database.
-574 A subquery has returned not exactly one column.
-575 LENGTH() requires string type values.
-576 Cannot specify CONSTRAINT name for TEMP table.
-577 A constraint of the same type already exists on the column set.
-578 Owner name is too long.
-579 Not owner of synonym.
-580 Cannot revoke permission.
-581 Error loading message file.
-582 Database does not have logging.
-583 View permissions no longer valid -- permissions on remote objects revoked.
-584 Cannot rename system catalog.
-585 Cannot rename column in system catalog.
-586 Cursor is already open.
-587 Cannot delete file filename.
-588 Invalid host variable number.
-589 Cannot update multiple sites within a single transaction.
-590 Routine cache corrupted.
-591 Invalid default value for column/variable / .
-592 Cannot specify column to be not null when the default value is null.
-593 Cannot specify default value for SERIAL column.
-594 Cannot specify non-null default value for TEXT or BYTE column.
-595 Bad use of aggregate in this context.
-596 Bad EXIT/CONTINUE statement. Not within a statement-name loop.
-597 [Internal] Premature End Of Buffer.
-598 Bad cursor name cursor-name.
-599 Cannot mix Informix Dynamic Server 2000 syntax with INFORMIX-SE syntax.
-600 Cannot create TEXT or BYTE value.
-601 Cannot delete TEXT or BYTE value.
-602 Cannot open TEXT or BYTE value.
-603 Cannot close TEXT or BYTE value.
-604 Cannot read TEXT or BYTE value.
-605 Cannot write TEXT or BYTE value.
-606 Invalid storage-space name for TEXT or BYTE data.
-607 Text/Byte subscript error.
-608 Illegal attempt to convert Text/Byte data type.
-609 Illegal attempt to use Text/Byte host variable.
-610 Index not allowed on TEXT or BYTE columns.
-611 Scroll cursor can't select TEXT or BYTE columns.
-612 TEXT and BYTE columns are not allowed in the "group by" clause.
-613 TEXT and BYTE columns are not allowed in the "distinct" clause.
-614 TEXT and BYTE columns are not allowed in the "order by" clause.
-615 TEXT and BYTE columns are not allowed in this expression.
-616 A TEXT or BYTE subscript is not allowed within this context.
-617 A TEXT or BYTE data type must be supplied within this context.
-618 Error on copying TEXT or BYTE data.
-619 A TEXT or BYTE error has occurred in the front-end application.
-620 Unable to update next extent size.
-621 Unable to update new lock level.
-622 Error on locating constraint index index-name.
-623 Unable to find CONSTRAINT constraint-name.
-624 Unable to drop CONSTRAINT constraint-name.
-625 Constraint name constraint-name already exists.
-626 Cannot obtain or set serial value.
-627 Cannot prepare coordinator for two-phase commit.
-628 Cannot end two-phase commit transaction at coordinator.
-629 Cannot end heuristically rolled back transaction.
-630 Cannot prepare database server server-name for commit.
-631 Cannot create optical cluster on column that is not TEXT or BYTE.
-632 Cannot create optical cluster.
-633 Cannot drop optical cluster.
-634 Object does not exist.
-635 Not owner of object.
-636 Total size of key fields is too large or there are too many key fields.
-637 Cannot alter optical cluster.
-638 Cannot cluster TEXT or BYTE columns on non-optical media.
-639 Cannot cluster TEXT or BYTE columns on different optical families.
-640 QPlan sanity failure line-number.
-641 Cannot reserve/release family on non-optical media.
-642 Family name must be a character string.
-643 Volume must be a number.
-644 FAMILY(), VOLUME(), and DESCR() require BLOB column on optical medium.
-645 Cannot reserve volume.
-646 Cannot release volume.
-647 Error evaluating math library function function-name.
-648 Cannot open DEBUG file for SPL routine trace.
-649 The debug file name must be a NON-NULL CHAR or VARCHAR.
-650 Maximum varchar size has been exceeded.
-651 Reserved column size > maximum column size (varchar).
-652 Local variables do not allow default values.
-653 Variables declared as LIKE cannot be global.
-654 Bad use of PROCEDURE declaration type.
-655 RETURN value count does not match procedure declaration.
-656 Routine is not declared to return values.
-657 Cannot create a procedure within a procedure.
-658 Variables declared as GLOBAL require a default value.
-659 INTO TEMP table required for SELECT statement.
-660 Loop variable variable-name cannot be modified.
-661 Number of variables does not match number of values returned.
-662 Loop variable variable-name specified more than once.
-663 You are using more than one procedure-calling syntax for procedure procedure-name.
-664 Wrong number of arguments to system function function-name.
-665 Internal error on semantics - code-number.
-666 Variable variable-name must be declared INTEGER or SMALLINT.
-667 Variable variable-name not declared.
-668 System command cannot be executed.
-669 Variable variable-name redeclared.
-670 Variable variable-name declared as SERIAL type.
-671 Routine invocation routine-name has duplicate parameter name.
-672 Invalid data structure execution-tree.
-673 Routine routine-name already exists in database.
-674 Routine can not be resolved.
-675 Illegal SQL statement in SPL routine.
-676 Invalid check constraint column.
-677 Check constraint cannot contain subqueries or procedures.
-678 Invalid subscript for column column-name in check constraint.
-679 Cannot read constraint violation data for constraint constraint-name.
-680 Cannot write constraint violation data for constraint constraint-name.
-681 Column specified more than once in the INSERT list.
-682 Error reading constraint index on table table-name.
-683 Specified STEP expression will not traverse RANGE.
-684 Function routine-name returns too many values.
-685 Function function-name returns too few values.
-686 Function function-name has returned more than one row.
-687 Set debug file before tracing SPL routines.
-688 Variable variable-name must be declared CHAR or VARCHAR.
-689 Global variable variable-name declared inconsistently.
-690 Cannot read keys from referencing table table-name.
-691 Missing key in referenced table for referential constraint constraint-name.
-692 Key value for constraint constraint-name is still being referenced.
-693 System command expects a non-null value.
-694 Too many arguments passed to procedure procedure-name.
-695 Argument is not a parameter of procedure procedure-name.
-696 Variable variable-name has undefined value.
-697 STEP expression evaluated to ZERO.
-698 Inconsistent transaction. Number and names of servers rolled back - servers.
-699 Transaction heuristically rolled back.
-700 Statement is invalid within a global transaction.
-701 Statement is invalid within the XA environment.
-702 Cannot open database in exclusive mode.
-703 Primary key on table table-name has a field with a null key value.
-704 Primary key already exists on the table.
-705 Cannot drop/modify procedure procedure-name. It is currently in use. An attempt was made either to drop a currently executing procedure or to run UPDATE STATISTICS on a currently running procedure. This condition can occur if a procedure tries to drop itself or if a nested procedure tries to drop a procedure that called it.
-706 Execute privilege denied on procedure procedure-name.
-707 TEXT and BYTE columns in optical cluster must be distinct.
-708 Optical cluster cluster-name already exists.
-709 TEXT and BYTE column column-name is already clustered.
-710 Table has been dropped, altered or renamed.
-711 Cannot insert encoded BLOB descriptor.
-712 Cannot insert encoded BLOB descriptor in non-optical BLOB columns.
-713 Cannot decode encoded BLOB descriptor.
-714 Cannot encode BLOB descriptor.
-715 Transaction state error.
-716 Possible inconsistent transaction. Unknown servers are server-name-list.
-717 Invalid argument passed to system function function-name.
-718 Statement is invalid while a global transaction is suspended.
-719 Loop variable variable-name cannot be declared GLOBAL.
-720 Number of columns in FOREACH SELECT does not match number of variables.
-721 SPL routine () is no longer valid.
-722 Out of stack space.
-723 Cannot disable logging in an ANSI-compliant database.
-724 System initialization file $INFORMIXDIR/cnv50t60.sql is missing.
-725 Error occurred while reading system initialization file $INFORMIXDIR/cnv50t60.sql.
-726 First argument to dbinfo() must be a quoted string constant.
-727 Invalid or NULL tblspace number given to dbinfo(dbspace).
-728 Unknown first argument of dbinfo().
-729 Trigger has no triggered action.
-730 Cannot specify REFERENCING if trigger does not have FOR EACH ROW.
-731 Invalid use of column reference in trigger body.
-732 Incorrect use of old or new values correlation name inside trigger.
-733 Cannot reference procedure variable in CREATE TRIGGER or CREATE VIEW statement.
-734 Object name matches old or new values correlation name.
-735 Cannot reference table that participates in cascaded delete.
-736 Resolution is not meaningful for LOW mode.
-737 Confidence is not meaningful for HIGH mode.
-738 DROP DISTRIBUTIONS is only valid in LOW mode.
-739 Confidence must be in the range [0.80, 0.99] (inclusive).
-740 Resolution must be greater than 0.005 and less than, or equal to, 10.0.
-741 Trigger for the same event already exists.
-742 Trigger and cascading-delete referential constraint cannot coexist.
-743 Object object_name already exists in database.
-744 Illegal SQL statement in trigger.
-745 Trigger execution has failed.
-746 message-string
-747 Table or column matches object referenced in triggering statement.
-748 Exceeded limit on maximum number of cascaded triggers.
-749 Remote cursor operation disallowed with pre-5.01 server.
-750 Invalid distribution format found for table_name.
-751 Remote procedure execution disallowed with pre-5.01 server.
-752 All Smart Disk devices are busy.
-753 Access denied - Single user limit has been exceeded.
-754 Cannot access the license file.
-755 Cannot access the license file to release license.
-756 Evaluation version has expired.
-757 File open for light append can't pseudo close.
-758 Cannot implicitly reconnect to the new server server_name.
-759 Cannot use database commands in an explicit database connection.
-760 Remote procedure must commit or rollback before returning.
-762 Stack overflow occurred during statement parse.
-763 Error in auditing environment initialization.
-764 Only DBA can run update statistics on a database in this mode.
-765 Cannot EXECUTE a statement that has been DECLAREd.
-766 String must be null terminated.
-767 Cannot UPDATE/INSERT a remote table using views with check options.
-768 Internal error in routine routine-name.
-769 Internal - iterator execution/phase error parameter.
-770 Bad fragment id specified.
-771 Bad table lock id specified.
-772 Record/key doesn't qualify for any table/index fragment.
-773 Expression required for new fragment.
-774 Cannot specify fragment expressions with a round-robin fragmentation.
-775 Dbspace dbspacename not used by table/index.
-776 Alter fragment error: unable to move rows to new fragmentation scheme.
-777 Internal - function not valid on fragmented table.
-778 Unable to alter fragmentation scheme on index.
-779 Duplicate table name in the alter fragment specification.
-780 Table/index is not fragmented.
-781 Cannot alter fragmentation on a temp table.
-782 Attached table is fragmented.
-783 Cannot attach because of incompatible schema.
-784 Cannot detach because of the existing referential constraints.
-785 Cannot drop column because of table or index fragmentation.
-786 Table being attached to is not in the attach list. The surviving table is either nonfragmented or hash-fragmented and must appear in the attach list in order for its existing fragment(s) to be properly positioned in the resulting fragmentation scheme.
-787 Index fragmented same-as-table cannot be altered.
-788 Unknown operator/type.
-789 Internal error, expression not properly defined.
-790 Rowids already exist on table.
-791 Cannot open the Informix password file.
-795 Error in finding interrupt. The INFORMIX-NET for Windows TSR probably is not loaded.
-800 Corresponding types must be compatible in CASE expression.
-801 SQL Edit buffer is full.
-802 Cannot open file for run.
-803 The file is too large for internal editing.
-804 Comment has no end.
-805 Cannot open file for load.
-806 Cannot open file for unload.
-807 Cannot open file for output.
-808 Cannot open file for choose.
-809 SQL Syntax error has occurred.
-810 Cannot open file for save.
-811 Cannot open printer for output.
-812 Cannot open pipe for output.
-813 Cannot write to pipe for output (no reading process).
-816 Cannot write file (check file permissions).
-817 Cannot read file (check file permissions).
-818 Specified user menu not found.
-819 There are no menu items in the menu.
-820 No more data to display.
-821 Cannot open file for default report.
-822 Statements are already saved.
-823 There are no statements to run.
-824 Missing values clause on insert statement.
-825 Program not found.
-826 Fork system call failed.
-827 Database not found.
-828 Command file not found.
-829 Form not found.
-830 Report not found.
-831 Error(s) found in Report specifications.
-832 Error(s) found in Form specifications.
-833 Saceprep could not compile Report.
-834 Sformbld could not compile Form.
-835 Current clause is invalid in interactive mode.
-836 Insert statement has no values clause.
-837 There is not enough memory available.
-838 A line in the load file is too long.
-839 Table not found.
-840 Name is too long.
-841 Name must start with a letter or "_" and contain letters, digits, or "_".
-842 Cannot read temp file.
-843 Cannot write temp file.
-844 Statement is too long -- out of memory.
-845 There are no user-menus in the database.
-846 Number of values in load file is not equal to number of columns.
-847 Error in load file line number.
-848 Form4gl could not compile Form.
-849 Warning(s) found in Form specifications.
-850 User does not have permission to modify this menu.
-851 Cannot drop file (check file permissions).
-852 Write failed. count rows unloaded (check ulimit or disk space).
-853 Current transaction has been rolled back due to error or missing COMMIT WORK.
-854 Back end not found. Or back end is busy.
-855 Cannot drop rowids on a non-fragmented table.
-856 Rowids already exist on table.
-857 Rowids do not exist on table.
-858 Cannot specify the same dbspace twice in a fragmentation specification.
-859 "Distributions Only" is not meaningful in an update statistics LOW request.
-860 A fragmented object must have more than one fragment.
-861 Cannot create new PDQ thread.
-862 Alter fragment attach must have at least one consumed table specified.
-863 Cannot detach a table with rowids.
-864 Cannot attach a table with rowids.
-865 Cannot add or drop rowids in combination with other alter table options.
-866 Cannot attach tables that contain serial fields.
-867 Cannot generate new rowid.
-868 Cannot check constraints on the attaching table.
-869 Subqueries and procedures not allowed in fragmentation expressions.
-870 Cannot specify duplicate remainder fragments.
-871 Remainder fragment must be specified last.
-872 Invalid fragment strategy or expression for the unique index.
-873 Invalid fragment expression column.
-874 Floating point exception error has occurred.
-875 Incompatible Access Mode and Isolation Level.
-876 Cannot issue SET TRANSACTION once a transaction has started.
-877 Isolation Level previously set by "Set Transaction".
-878 Invalid operation for a READ-ONLY transaction.
-879 Trim character must be null or have a length of 1.
-880 Trim character and trim source must be of string data type.
-881 Resulting string length from TRIM must range from 1 character to 255 characters.
-882 Cannot create rowids on a non-fragmented table.
-883 Cannot evaluate the fragmentation expression.
-884 Cannot alter an index on a temporary table.
-885 Invalid or NULL utc time given to dbinfo(utc_to_datetime).
-886 Cannot drop table or view because of existing dependencies.
-887 Cannot revoke because of dependent privileges, views, or constraints.
-888 Cannot attach a table with constraints.
-889 Internal dataskip condition, should reposition to next row and continue.
-891 Temporary table objects can only be enabled.
-892 Cannot disable object object-name due to other active objects using it.
-893 Cannot activate/create object object-name because of its dependencies.
-894 Cannot find object object-name.
-895 Cannot create violations/diagnostics table.
-896 Violations table is not started for the target table.
-897 Cannot modify/drop a violations/diagnostics table.
-898 Cannot alter a table which has associated violations/diagnostics tables.
-899 Too many violations.
-903 Licensed INFORMIX-SQL server not accessible.
-904 Authorization file not on licensed INFORMIX-SQL server.
-905 Cannot locate sqlexec service /tcp service in /etc/services.
-906 Cannot locate database server (check DBPATH).
-907 Cannot create socket on current database server.
-908 Attempt to connect to database server (servername) failed.
-909 Invalid database name format.
-910 Cannot create an Informix Dynamic Server 2000 database from an INFORMIX-SE client.
-911 System error - Cannot read from pipe.
-912 Network error - Could not write to database server.
-913 Network error - Could not read from database server.
-914 System error - Cannot write to pipe.
-915 Cannot create an INFORMIX-SE database from an Informix Dynamic Server 2000 client.
-916 NFS mount table error.
-917 Must close current database before using a new database.
-918 Unexpected data received from another database server.
-919 System error. Wrong number of arguments to database server process.
-921 System error. Illegal or wrong number of arguments to sqlexec server.
-922 Cannot get name of current working directory.
-923 INFORMIX is not licensed to access the current database server only.
-924 INFORMIX is not licensed to access the specified database server.
-925 The protocol type should be tcp.
-926 Informix Dynamic Server 2000 is not licensed for distributed data access.
-927 Exceeded limit on maximum number of servers you can reference.
-928 The database server is not licensed for distributed data access.
-930 Cannot connect to database server servername.
-931 Cannot locate servicename service/tcp service in /etc/services.
-932 Error on network connection, function system call failed.
-933 Unknown network type specified in DBNETTYPE.
-934 Connection to remote site no longer valid.
-935 Cannot obtain IPX address for service name servicename.
-936 Error on remote connection connection-name.
-937 User Defined Routine error.
-940 Check Option is not supported in Union Views.
-941 String processing error while evaluating function (function_name).
-942 Transaction commit failed - transaction will be rolled back.
-943 Found a non-terminated comment ("/*" with no matching "*/").
-944 Cannot use "first" in this context.
-945 Invalid parameter given to dbinfo(version).
-946 Source string for UPPER, LOWER, and INITCAP must be of string type.
-947 Declaration of an SPL variable named 'null' conflicts with SQL NULL value.
-948 Cannot rename constraint index.
-949 Unable to alter fragmentation scheme when indexes disabled.
-951 User username is not known on the database server.
-952 User's password is not correct for the database server.
-953 Network server could not exec sqlexec program.
-954 Client is not known to remote host.
-955 Remote host could not receive data from client.
-956 Client client-name is not in /etc/hosts.equiv on the remote host.
-957 Cannot create/access database on NFS mount.
-958 Temp table already exists in session.
-959 The current transaction has been rolled back due to an internal error.
-971 Integrity violations detected.
-972 Unable to alter table table-name.
-973 Cannot insert from the violations table to the target table.
-974 Cannot drop not null constraint on the serial column.
-975 Invalid object and object mode combination.
-976 Table must be fragmented by expression to grant fragment authority.
-977 No permission on fragment (dbspace-name).
-978 No insert permission on the violations/diagnostics tables.
-979 The current transaction has been rolled back due to an internal error.
-999 Not implemented yet.



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