
was 7.0在虚拟机的ubuntu12.0.4上安装

一卡在running configuration command:importConfigArchive哪里,请问是什么原因。


################################################################################## Uncomment the following to create a management profile.################################################################################### Profile Settings# -OPT PROF_...显示全部
# Uncomment the following to create a management profile.
## Profile Settings
# -OPT PROF_profilePath=
# -OPT PROF_profileName=
# -OPT PROF_isDefault="true"
## Node, Host and Cell Names
# -OPT PROF_hostName=
# -OPT PROF_nodeName=
# -OPT PROF_cellName=
## Optional Application Deployment
# -OPT PROF_omitAction=
## Certificate Management
# -OPT PROF_keyStorePassword=
## Requesting a certificate
# -OPT PROF_personalCertDN=
# -OPT PROF_personalCertValidityPeriod=1
# -OPT PROF_signingCertDN=
# -OPT PROF_signingCertValidityPeriod=20
## Importing a certificate
# -OPT PROF_importPersonalCertKS=
# -OPT PROF_importPersonalCertKSType=
# -OPT PROF_importPersonalCertKSPassword=
# -OPT PROF_importPersonalCertKSAlias=
# -OPT PROF_importSigningCertKS=
# -OPT PROF_importSigningCertKSType=
# -OPT PROF_importSigningCertKSPassword=
# -OPT PROF_importSigningCertKSAlias=
## Port Value Assignment and Validation
# -OPT PROF_defaultPorts="true"
# -OPT PROF_startingPort=
# -OPT PROF_portsFile=
# -OPT PROF_validatePorts="true"
## Windows Service Creation
# -OPT PROF_winserviceCheck="true"
# -OPT PROF_winserviceAccountType="localsystem"
# -OPT PROF_winserviceUserName=
# -OPT PROF_winservicePassword=
# -OPT PROF_winserviceStartupType="automatic"
## Linux Service Creation
# -OPT PROF_enableService="true"
# -OPT PROF_serviceUserName=
# Uncomment the following to create a stand alone application server profile.
## Profile Settings
# -OPT PROF_profilePath=
# -OPT PROF_profileName=
# -OPT PROF_isDefault="true"
## Node, Host, Server, and Cell Names
# -OPT PROF_hostName=
# -OPT PROF_nodeName=
# -OPT PROF_cellName=
# -OPT PROF_serverName="server1"
# -OPT PROF_isDeveloperServer="false"
## Optional Application Deployment
# -OPT PROF_omitAction="samplesInstallAndConfig"
## Certificate Management
# -OPT PROF_keyStorePassword=
## Requesting a certificate
# -OPT PROF_personalCertDN=
# -OPT PROF_personalCertValidityPeriod=1
# -OPT PROF_signingCertDN=
# -OPT PROF_signingCertValidityPeriod=20
## Importing a certificate
# -OPT PROF_importPersonalCertKS=
# -OPT PROF_importPersonalCertKSType=
# -OPT PROF_importPersonalCertKSPassword=
# -OPT PROF_importPersonalCertKSAlias=
# -OPT PROF_importSigningCertKS=
# -OPT PROF_importSigningCertKSType=
# -OPT PROF_importSigningCertKSPassword=
# -OPT PROF_importSigningCertKSAlias=
## Port Value Assignment and Validation
# -OPT PROF_defaultPorts="true"
# -OPT PROF_startingPort=
# -OPT PROF_portsFile=
# -OPT PROF_validatePorts="true"
## Windows Service Creation
# -OPT PROF_winserviceCheck="true"
# -OPT PROF_winserviceAccountType=
# -OPT PROF_winserviceUserName=
# -OPT PROF_winservicePassword=
# -OPT PROF_winserviceStartupType="automatic"
## Linux Service Creation
# -OPT PROF_enableService="true"
# -OPT PROF_serviceUserName=
## Web Server Definition
# -OPT PROF_webServerCheck="false"
# -OPT PROF_webServerType=
# -OPT PROF_webServerOS=
# -OPT PROF_webServerName=
# -OPT PROF_webServerHostname=
# -OPT PROF_webServerPort="80"
# -OPT PROF_webServerInstallPath=
# -OPT PROF_webServerPluginPath=
# Uncomment the following to create a custom profile.
## Profile Settings
# -OPT PROF_profilePath=
# -OPT PROF_profileName=
# -OPT PROF_isDefault="true"
## Node, Host, and Cell Names
# -OPT PROF_hostName=
# -OPT PROF_nodeName=
# -OPT PROF_cellName=
## Custom Node Federation
# -OPT PROF_federateLater="false"
# -OPT PROF_dmgrHost="localhost"
# -OPT PROF_dmgrPort="8879"
# -OPT PROF_dmgrAdminUserName=
# -OPT PROF_dmgrAdminPassword=
## Certificate Management
# -OPT PROF_keyStorePassword=
## Requesting a certificate
# -OPT PROF_personalCertDN=
# -OPT PROF_personalCertValidityPeriod=1
# -OPT PROF_signingCertDN=
# -OPT PROF_signingCertValidityPeriod=20
## Importing a certificate
# -OPT PROF_importPersonalCertKS=
# -OPT PROF_importPersonalCertKSType=
# -OPT PROF_importPersonalCertKSPassword=
# -OPT PROF_importPersonalCertKSAlias=
# -OPT PROF_importSigningCertKS=
# -OPT PROF_importSigningCertKSType=
# -OPT PROF_importSigningCertKSPassword=
# -OPT PROF_importSigningCertKSAlias=
## Port Value Assignment and Validation
# -OPT PROF_portsFile=
# Uncomment the following to create a secure proxy (configuration only) profile.
## Profile Settings
# -OPT PROF_profilePath=
# -OPT PROF_profileName=
# -OPT PROF_isDefault="true"
## Node, Host, Server, and Cell Names
# -OPT PROF_hostName=
# -OPT PROF_nodeName=
# -OPT PROF_cellName=
# -OPT PROF_serverName="proxy1"
## Security Level Selection
# -OPT PROF_securityLevel="high"
# -OPT PROF_supportedProtocols="SIP,HTTP"
## Certificate Management
# -OPT PROF_keyStorePassword=
## Requesting a certificate
# -OPT PROF_personalCertDN=
# -OPT PROF_personalCertValidityPeriod=1
# -OPT PROF_signingCertDN=
# -OPT PROF_signingCertValidityPeriod=20
## Importing a certificate
# -OPT PROF_importPersonalCertKS=
# -OPT PROF_importPersonalCertKSType=
# -OPT PROF_importPersonalCertKSPassword=
# -OPT PROF_importPersonalCertKSAlias=
# -OPT PROF_importSigningCertKS=
# -OPT PROF_importSigningCertKSType=
# -OPT PROF_importSigningCertKSPassword=
# -OPT PROF_importSigningCertKSAlias=
## Port Value Assignment and Validation
# -OPT PROF_defaultPorts="true"
# -OPT PROF_startingPort=
# -OPT PROF_portsFile=
# -OPT PROF_validatePorts="true"
互联网服务 · 2015-03-15
## The cell name is a logical name for a group of nodes administered by # a deployment manger.# # Creation of the cell profile type creates two separate nodes, therefore # options exists to assign separate names to the deployment manager and # applic...显示全部
# The cell name is a logical name for a group of nodes administered by
# a deployment manger.
# Creation of the cell profile type creates two separate nodes, therefore
# options exists to assign separate names to the deployment manager and
# application server nodes. However, because both nodes are in the same cell
# and on the same host, those names are specified only once.
# Development Server Template
# Valid profile type: stand alone
# Valid values for PROF_isDeveloperServer:
#    true - create the application server with developer settings.
# The application server process created in the stand alone application server
# profile can be configured with settings that are optimized for development.
# The development template reduces startup time and allows the server to run
# on less powerful hardware. Do not use this option for production servers.
# Optional Application Deployment
# Valid profile types: cell, management, and stand alone
# Valid values for PROF_omitAction:
#     deployAdminConsole - do not deploy the administrative console
#     defaultAppDeployAndConfig - do not deploy the default application
#     samplesInstallAndConfig - do not deploy the sample applications
# The administrative console, default application, and Application Server
# Sample applications can be optionally deployed to supported profiles types.
# Use the omitAction option to prevent the specified applications from
# being deployed to the new profile.
# The administrative console is a Web-based console for managing application
# servers. The administrative console is deployable to stand alone application
# servers and deployment managers, including the deployment manager created
# with the cell set of profiles. Deploying the administrative console
# is strongly recommended.
# The default application contains the Snoop, Hello, and HitCount servlets.
# The default application is deployable to the application server in the
# stand alone application server profile and the application server profile
# created with the cell set of profiles.
# The sample applications are not recommended for deployment to production
# Application Server environments. Deploy the sample applications to exercise
# the application server and evaluate the latest technological advancements.
# The sample applications are deployable to the application server in the
# stand alone application server profile and the application server profile
# created with the cell set of profiles.
# Custom Node Federation
# Valid profile type: custom
# Valid values for PROF_federateLater:
#     true - do not federate this node to a deployment manager.
#     false - federate this node to a deployment manager during installation.
# Custom nodes are intended to be administered by a deployment manager.
# By default, the node will be federated to a deployment manager.
# If the deployment manager is not running or does not use SOAP, then
# choose to federate the node later.
# Valid values for PROF_dmgrHost: a deployment manager host name
# Valid values for PROF_dmgrPort: a SOAP port number
# Valid values for PROF_dmgrAdminUserName: the user name of an administrator
# Valid values for PROF_dmgrAdminPassword: the password for an administrator
# Specify the host name and the SOAP port to federate the custom node.
# If the deployment manager has administrative security enabled, then
# an administrator user name and password must be provided.
# Proxy Server Security Level Selection
# Valid profile type: secure proxy
# Valid values for PROF_securityLevel
#     high - the process runs as an unprivileged user ID, static routing is
#          enabled, and local error page handling is enabled.
#     medium - the process runs as an unprivileged user ID, dynamic routing
#          is enabled, and local error page handling is enabled.
#     low - the process runs as an unprivileged user ID, dynamic routing
#          is enabled, and remote error page handling is enabled.
# Valid values for PROF_supportedProtocols
#     HTTP - support Web transport protocol
#     SIP - support SIP transport protocol
# Certificate Management
# Valid profile types: cell, management, stand alone, custom, and secure proxy
# Use these options fo request a certificate from a Certificate Authority (CA)
# or import an existing certificate. Both options require that the
# PROF_keyStorePassword to be set.
# Valid values for PROF_keyStorePassword: a character string
# Requesting a certificate
# Valid values for PROF_personalCertDN: a character string
# Valid values for PROF_personalCertValidityPeriod: number of days (integer)
# Valid values for PROF_signingCertDN: a character string
# Valid values for PROF_signingCertValidityPeriod: number of days (integer)
# Importing a certificate
# Valid values for PROF_importPersonalCertKS:
#     path to the key store file (character string)
# Valid values for PROF_importPersonalCertKSType: a character string
# Valid values for PROF_importPersonalCertKSPassword: a character string
# Valid values for PROF_importPersonalCertKSAlias:
#     the unique alias of the certificate in the key store (character string)
# Valid values for PROF_importSigningCertKS:
#     path to the key store file (character string)
# Valid values for PROF_importSigningCertKSType: a character string
# Valid values for PROF_importSigningCertKSPassword: a character string
# Valid values for PROF_importSigningCertKSAlias:
#     the unique alias of the certificate in the key store (character string)
# Port Value Assignment and Validation
# Valid profile types: cell, management, stand alone, custom, and secure proxy
# Valid values for PROF_defaultPorts:
#     true - use the default port values for WebSphere Application Server.
# Valid values for PROF_startingPort:
#     a positive integer port value, within the valid port range
# Valid values for PROF_nodeStartingPort:
#     a positive integer port value, within the valid port range
# Valid values for PROF_portsFile:
#     a fully qualified path to a valid ports property file
# Valid values for PROF_nodePortsFile:
#     a fully qualified path to a valid ports property file
# There are four ways to assign port values, choose only one option.
# Consult the Information Center for lists of the ports that each profile
# type uses and the default values assigned to each port.
# Use PROF_defaultPorts to assign the set of default port values assigned
# to the selected profile type. When creating a custom profile, the default
# set of port values will be assigned during the federation process.
# Therefore, this option is not supported for custom profiles.
# Alternatively, use PROF_startingPort to assign a block of ports to the
# profile. Port values will be assigned incrementally as required to assign
# a unique value to each port in the selected profile type. This option
# is not supported for creating custom profile. Include the
# PROF_nodeStartingPorts option when creating a cell set of profiles.
# Otherwise, use PROF_portsFile to assign your own specific port values
# to each port that is needed for the selected profile type. This option
# is supported for custom profiles when federating to a deployment manager.
# Include the PROF_nodePortsFile option when creating a cell set of profiles.
# The last way to assign port values is to not specify any of the three
# options. If none of the three options are specified, then initially the
# default port values will be assigned. However, if an assigned port value
# is in use by another installation of WebSphere Application Server or
# is actively in use by any other application on the system, then the  
# port value will be incremented to a port value that is open and available.
# Note that installations of WebSphere Application Server prior to
# Version 6.1 might not be found reliably.
# Also, installation of WebSphere Application Server that are not
# registered with the operating system might not be found reliably.
# To have more than one installation of WebSphere Application Server
# running on the same machine, unique port values must be assigned
# to each installation. Otherwise, only one installation of WebSphere
# Application Server can run.
# Valid values for PROF_validatePorts:
#     true - validates that each port value is unique and is not in use.
#     false - no validation of port values
# The validatePorts option is set to false by default. The validatePorts
# option verifies whether the port values to be used are assigned to other
# profiles and whether the ports are actively in use by other applications.
# If a port conflict is detected, then validation fails and the profile
# will not be created. This option is not supported for custom profiles.

# Windows Service Creation
# Valid profile types: cell, management, and stand alone
# Valid values for PROF_winserviceCheck:
#     true - run as Windows service.
#     false - do not run as Windows service.
# Specify whether to run the deployment manager or application server as a
# Windows service. For the cell set of profiles, a service is created only
# for the deployment manager. A service cannot be created when installing
# as a non-administrative user.
# Valid values for PROF_winserviceAccountType:
#     localsystem - run this service as the Local System account
#     specifieduser - run this service as a specified user account
# Valid values for PROF_winserviceUserName:
#     a user account that already exists on the Windows system that has
#     the permission to log on as a service
# Valid values for PROF_winservicePassword:
#     the password for the specified user account
# Valid values for PROF_winserviceStartupType:
#     manual - the windows service must be started and stopped manually.
#     automatic - the windows service will start automatically after reboot.
#     disabled - the windows service is disabled.
# Choose whether to run the service as Local System or a specified user.
# When specifying a user account also include the password for the user.
# By default, the service startup type is set to automatic.
# Linux Service Creation
# Valid values for PROF_enableService:
#     true - run as a Linux service.
#     false - do not run as a Linux service.
# Valid values for PROF_serviceUserName:
#     a user account that already exists on the Linux system
# Specify whether to run the deployment manager or application server as a
# Linux service. For the cell set of profiles, a service is created only
# for the deployment manager. A service can be created only when installing
# as a root user.
# Web Server Definition
# Valid profile types: cell and stand alone
# Valid values for PROF_webServerCheck:
#     true - enable the creation of a Web server definition.
#     false - do not create a Web server definition.
# A Web server definition is not created by default.
# If a Web server is used to route requests for dynamic content from the
# application server, then you may want to create a Web server definition.
# Web server definitions also may be created from the administrative console
# or using a script that is generated during Web server plug-in installation.
# Valid values for PROF_webServerType (case sensitive):
#     IHS - IBM HTTP Server
#     APACHE - Apache Web servers
#     DOMINO - Lotus Domino Web servers
#     IIS - Microsoft Internet Information Services
#     SUNJAVASYSTEM - Sun Web servers
# Valid values for PROF_webServerOS:
#     aix, hpux, linux, os390, os400, solaris, windows
# Valid values for PROF_webServerName: a character string
# Valid values for PROF_webServerHostName: DNS host name or IP Address
# Valid values for PROF_webServerPort: a HTTP port number
# Valid values for PROF_webServerPluginPath: directory path to plug-in
# Valid values for PROF_webServerInstallPath: directory path to Web server
# To create a Web server definition, specify the type of Web server and its
# operating system. The Web server name is used to identify the specified
# Web server in the administrative console. Also provide the DNS host name
# or IP address of the Web server, its primary communication port
# (default 80), and the complete directory path to the Web server plug-ins.
# Additionally, if the Web server is IHS, then provide the complete
# directory path to where it is installed.
# Do not use the following special characters for Web server names:
#     / \ * , : ; = + ? | < > & % ' " [ ] > # $ ^ { }
# Note: a period (.) is not valid if it is the first character.

# Uncomment the following to create a cell set of profiles.
# The cell profile type creates two separate profiles, a deployment manager
# and an application server that is federated to the deployment manager cell.
# Therefore, settings for both profiles must be specified.
## Profile Settings
# -OPT PROF_profilePath=
# -OPT PROF_dmgrProfileName=
# -OPT PROF_appServerProfileName=
# -OPT PROF_isDefault="true"
## Node, Host and Cell Names
# -OPT PROF_hostName=
# -OPT PROF_nodeName=
# -OPT PROF_appServerNodeName=
# -OPT PROF_cellName=
## Optional Application Deployment
# -OPT PROF_omitAction="samplesInstallAndConfig"
## Certificate Management
# -OPT PROF_keyStorePassword=
## Requesting a certificate
# -OPT PROF_personalCertDN=
# -OPT PROF_personalCertValidityPeriod=1
# -OPT PROF_signingCertDN=
# -OPT PROF_signingCertValidityPeriod=20
## Importing a certificate
# -OPT PROF_importPersonalCertKS=
# -OPT PROF_importPersonalCertKSType=
# -OPT PROF_importPersonalCertKSPassword=
# -OPT PROF_importPersonalCertKSAlias=
# -OPT PROF_importSigningCertKS=
# -OPT PROF_importSigningCertKSType=
# -OPT PROF_importSigningCertKSPassword=
# -OPT PROF_importSigningCertKSAlias=
## Port Value Assignment and Validation
# -OPT PROF_defaultPorts="true"
# -OPT PROF_startingPort=
# -OPT PROF_nodeStartingPort=
# -OPT PROF_portsFile=
# -OPT PROF_nodePortsFile=
# -OPT PROF_validatePorts="true"
## Windows Service Creation
# -OPT PROF_winserviceCheck="true"
# -OPT PROF_winserviceAccountType="localsystem"
# -OPT PROF_winserviceUserName=
# -OPT PROF_winservicePassword=
# -OPT PROF_winserviceStartupType="automatic"
## Linux Service Creation
# -OPT PROF_enableService="true"
# -OPT PROF_serviceUserName=
## Web Server Definition
# -OPT PROF_webServerCheck="false"
# -OPT PROF_webServerType=
# -OPT PROF_webServerOS=
# -OPT PROF_webServerName=
# -OPT PROF_webServerHostname=
# -OPT PROF_webServerPort="80"
# -OPT PROF_webServerPluginPath=
# -OPT PROF_webServerInstallPath=收起
互联网服务 · 2015-03-15
我在 suse11 上安装  was7.0 64位 的 在执行 这条里很快就执行完了 ./install -options /home/was7/WAS/responsefile.nd.txt -silent不知道是不是我的文件没改对cat was7/WAS/responsefile.nd.txt##########################################################...显示全部
我在 suse11 上安装  was7.0 64位 的 在执行 这条里很快就执行完了
./install -options /home/was7/WAS/responsefile.nd.txt -silent
cat was7/WAS/responsefile.nd.txt
# WebSphere Application Server V7.0 installation options file
# This options file runs the installation wizard in silent mode. This lets the
# options file author specify installation settings without having to run the
# wizard in graphical mode. To use this options file for silent mode execution,
# use the following command line arguments when running the wizard:
#    -options "//responsefile.nd.txt" -silent
# Read the documentation for information on changing the value for each option.
# Enclose all values within a single pair of double quotes.

#                     Installation options and values
# License Acceptance
# By changing the silentInstallLicenseAcceptance property in this response file
# to "true", you agree that you have reviewed and agree to the terms of the
# IBM International Program License Agreement accompanying this program, which
# is located at CD_ROOT\was.primary.pak\repository\legal\lafiles. If you
# do not agree to these terms, do not change the value or otherwise download,
# install, copy, access, or use the program and promptly return the program
# and proof of entitlement to the party from whom you acquired it to obtain
# a refund of the amount you paid.
# Valid values for silentInstallLicenseAcceptance:
#     true - Accepts the license and product installation will occur.
#     false - Declines the license and product installation will not occur.
  -OPT silentInstallLicenseAcceptance="false"
# If no install occurs, a log file is created in the temporary directory area
# of the user account that performed the installation (\waslogs\).
# Non-Root Installation Limitations
# This option indicates whether you accept the limitations associated with
# installing as a non-root user. The following installation actions cannot be
# performed with installing as a non-root or non-administrative user.
#     - Creation of a Windows or Linux service for WebSphere Application Server.
#     - Native registration with the operating system.
#     - Port conflicts may occur with other installations of WebSphere
#       Application Server that are not registered with the operating system.
# Valid values for allowNonRootSilentInstallation:
#     true - Accepts the limitations. Will install the product.
#     false - Do not accept the limitations. Install will not occur.
# Uncomment the following option only if you are installing as a non-root user.
# -OPT allowNonRootSilentInstall="true"
# Prerequisite Checking
# The installer checks the system for prerequisites by default.
# Uncomment the following option to notify the installer to continue with
# the installation and log the warnings even though prerequisite checking
# of the operating system failed.
# -OPT disableOSPrereqChecking="true"
# Uncomment the following option to notify the installer to continue with
# the installation and log the warnings even though prerequisite checking
# failed.
# -OPT disableNonBlockingPrereqChecking="true"
# File Permission Checking
# The installer does not check whether the user account that is running the
# installation has sufficient permissions to perform the installation by default.
# Uncomment the following option to notify the installer that it should
# verify whether the user account has sufficient file permissions to perform
# the required install operations on each of the files to be installed.
# File permission checking is recommended when installing as a non-root user
# or when using the installType = "addFeature" command. If you are sure you
# have proper permissions, then you can bypass this check and save time.
# Permission checking is not available for Windows operating systems.
# -OPT checkFilePermissions="true"
# Installation Type
# Valid values for installType:
#     installNew - install a new copy.
#     addFeature - add features to an existing installation.
# Valid values for features:
#     noFeature - do not install any additional features
#     samplesSelected - install the Application Server Samples code.
#     languagepack.console.all - install the non-English language files for the
#          administrative console application.
#     languagepack.server.all - install the non-English language files for the
#          server runtime environments such as wsadmin and logging.
# The default installType setting is to install a new copy of WebSphere
# Application Server without the Application Server Samples.
# All new installations require that the profileType option has a valid value
# because at least one profile is required to become functional. Additional
# profiles can be created after installation using manageProfiles command or
# the graphical Profile management tool.
# Depending on the profileType selected, additional options must be specified
# to setup and configure the environment. Read the Profile creation options
# and values section below for additional information.
# Valid values for profileType:
#     cell - two profiles are created, one with a deployment manager and
#            another with a managed node that is federated into the cell.
#     management - The management profile provides the servers and services
#            necessary to manage your WebSphere environments.  For a base
#            application server topology an administrative agent is provided.
#            For a Network Deployment topologies, a deployment manager is
#            provided  for tightly coupled management and the job manager  
#            is provided for loosely coupled management.
#     standAlone - a profile is created with a stand alone application server.
#     custom - a profile is created with an empty node.
#     secureProxy - a secure proxy profile for a DMZ node is created.
#     none - a profile is not created during installation.
  -OPT installType="installNew"
  -OPT profileType="cell"
# Uncomment the following line and comment out the options below to not
# install any optional features.
# -OPT feature="noFeature"
# To install all the optional features into an existing installation of
# WebSphere Application Server, comment out the options above and uncomment
# the following options. Also, be sure the installLocation option is set to
# an existing installation.
# -OPT installType="addFeature"
# -OPT feature="samplesSelected"
  -OPT feature="languagepack.console.all"
  -OPT feature="languagepack.server.all"
# Administrative Security
# Valid profile types: cell, deployment manager, and stand alone
# Valid values for PROF_enableAdminSecurity:
#     true - Administrative security is enabled during installation.
#     false - Administrative security is not enabled during installation.
# Enabling administrative security during installation is recommended.
# To configure administrative security, an administrative user name and
# password must be specified. Additionally, if the Application Server
# Samples are installed, a password also is required for the Samples user.
# Valid values for adminUserName: a character string
# Valid values for adminPassword: a character string
# Valid values for samplesPassword: a character string
# Notes:
# Do not use the following special characters for user names:
#    / \ * , : ; = + ? | < > & % ' " [ ] > # $ ^ { }
# A space ( ) is not valid in user names or passwords.
# A period (.) is not valid if it is the first character in user names.
# A dash (-) is not valid if it is the first character in user names.
# A dash (-) is not valid if it is the first character in passwords.
# Special characters can be used in passwords
  -OPT PROF_enableAdminSecurity="true"
  -OPT PROF_adminUserName=
  -OPT PROF_adminPassword=
# -OPT PROF_samplesPassword=
# Installation Location
# Specify a valid directory path into which the product can be installed.
# Only Windows operating systems support spaces in the installation location
# and must be enclose in double-quotes as shown below.
# Additionally, the maximum path length is 60 characters for Windows systems.
# Uncomment the appropriate option for your operating system.
# If you are installing as a non-root user on Unix or non-administrator on
# Windows, be sure you have write permission for the install location chosen.
# Also, be sure to include the appropriate value for .
# AIX Default Install Location:
# -OPT installLocation="/usr/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer"
# AIX Default Non-Root Install Location:
# -OPT installLocation="/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer"
# HP-UX, Linux or Solaris Default Install Location:
# -OPT installLocation="/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer"
# HP-UX, Solaris or Linux Default Non-Root Install Location:
# -OPT installLocation="/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer"
# i5OS Default Install Location:
# -OPT installLocation="/QIBM/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/V7/"
# Windows Default Install Location:
# -OPT installLocation="C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer"
# Windows Default Non-Administrator Install Location:
# -OPT installLocation="C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer"
# Repository for Centralized Installation Managers
# Choose whether to create a repository for centralized installation management.
# Deployment managers can access and install contents from this repository to
# other target locations. If created now, a copy of this installation package can
# be put in the repository. Use the WebSphere Installation Factory to create and
# populate a repository later.
# To create a repository for Centralized Installation Managers, uncomment the
# following option:
# -OPT cimSelected="true"
# Once option above is specified, the directory path of repository must be specified.
# Only Windows operating systems support spaces in the directory path
# and must be enclose in double-quotes as shown below.
# Uncomment the appropriate option for your operating system.
# If you are installing as a non-root user on Unix or non-administrator on
# Windows, be sure you have write permission for the directory path chosen.
# Also, be sure to include the appropriate value for .
# AIX Default Directory Path:
# -OPT cimRepositoryLocation="/usr/IBM/WebSphere/cimrepos"
# AIX Default Non-Root Directory Path:
# -OPT cimRepositoryLocation="/IBM/WebSphere/cimrepos"
# HP-UX, Linux or Solaris Default Directory Path:
# -OPT cimRepositoryLocation="/opt/IBM/WebSphere/cimrepos"
# HP-UX, Solaris or Linux Default Non-Root Directory Path:
# -OPT cimRepositoryLocation="/IBM/WebSphere/cimrepos"
# i5OS Default Directory Path:
# -OPT cimRepositoryLocation="/QIBM/IBM/WebSphere/cimrepos"
# Windows Default Directory Path:
# -OPT cimRepositoryLocation="C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\cimrepos"
# Windows Default Non-Administrator Directory Path:
# -OPT cimRepositoryLocation="C:\IBM\WebSphere\cimrepos"
# To populate the repository with this installation package, uncomment the
# following option:
# -OPT populateRepository="true"
# To overwrite the existing installation package, uncomment the
# following option:
# -OPT overwriteRepository="true"
# Trace Control Output
# Valid Values for traceFormat:
#     ALL - output files saved as separate plain text and XML files.
#     text - output file saved in plain text format only.
#     XML - output file saved in standard Java logging XML format only.
# Trace output is saved as both text and XML files by default, but it can be
# restricted to only one output format.
# The amount of trace information captured can be controlled. All informational
# messages, warnings, and severe warnings are output to a trace file by default.
# Valid values for traceLevel:
#     OFF - No trace file is produced.
#     SEVERE - Only severe errors are output to a trace file.
#     WARNING - Non-fatal exceptions and warnings are added to trace file.
#     INFO - Informational messages are added to the trace file.
#     CONFIG - Configuration related messages are added to the trace file.
#     FINE - Trace all public method calls.
#     FINER - Trace all non-public method calls except getters and setters.
#     FINEST - Trace all methods, entry and exit parameters, and return values.
# -OPT traceFormat=ALL
# -OPT traceLevel=INFO

#                     Profile creation options and values
# In this section, the options and valid values for creating all of the
# profile types are described. Following this descriptive section, each
# profile type is listed with all of the options necessary to create it
# with its default values.
# Profile Settings
# Valid profile types: cell, management, stand alone, custom, and secure proxy
# Valid values for PROF_profilePath: An empty directory path, such as
#       /profiles/
# If a Cell profile is being created, the format should be
#       /profiles
#   because two profiles will be created under this directory, one for
#   the deployment manager, and one for the managed application server node.
# Specify a valid directory to contain the files for the run-time environment,
# such as, commands, configuration files, and log files.
# The user account that runs the installation must have proper permissions.
# The directory must be empty and have adequate disk space available.
# On Windows systems, the total path length cannot exceed 80 characters.
# Valid values for PROF_profileName: a unique character sting
# Valid values for PROF_dmgrProfileName: a unique character sting
# Valid values for PROF_appServerProfileName: a unique character sting
# Assign a name to the profile. Because creation of a cell creates two
# profiles, options exists to assign separate names to the deployment
# manager and application server profiles.
# Do not use the following special characters for profile names:
#     / \ * , : ; = + ? | < > & % ' " [ ] > # $ ^ { }
# Note: a period (.) is not valid if it is the first character.
# Valid values for PROF_isDefault:
#     true - make this profile the default profile for the installation.
#     false - retain the current default profile for the installation.
# The first profile created for an installation is designated the default.
# Only one profile can be designated the default profile for an installation.
# Commands that are executed from the /bin/ directory that
# do not specify a profile to run against are run against the default profile.
# Management Server Type
# Valid profile type: management
# Valid values for PROF_serverType:
#     ADMIN_AGENT - An administrative agent provides management capability for
#          base application server profiles. Administrative agents have the
#          ability to manage multiple separate base profiles simultaneously.
#          Administrative agents only manage profiles within the boundary
#          of the single system.
#     DEPLOYMENT_MANAGER - The default server created in a management profile.
#          A deployment manager provides management capability for multiple
#          federated application server nodes. A deployment manager cell can
#          span multiple systems and platforms.
#     JOB_MANAGER - A job manager provides management capability for multiple
#          base application server profiles spanning multiple systems. Nodes
#          managed by one job manager can be managed by other job managers.
# When you create a management profile, specify one of management server types
# to create. If none is specified, then a deployment manager is created.
# Node, Host, Server and Cell Names
# Valid profile types: cell, management, stand alone, custom, and secure proxy
# Valid values for PROF_hostName: a character string
# Valid values for PROF_nodeName: a character string
# Valid values for PROF_appServerNodeName: a character string
# Valid values for PROF_cellName: a character string
# Valid values for PROF_serverName: a character string
# Do not use the following special characters for node, host or cell names:
#     / \ * , : ; = + ? | < > & % ' " [ ] > # $ ^ { }
# Note: a period (.) is not valid if it is the first character.
# The node name is for administration by a deployment manager. Each node name
# within a cell must be unique.
# The host name is the domain name system (DNS) name (short or long) or
# the IP address of this computer. If using IPv6, then specify the IP address.
# The server name is a logical name for the JVM process that runs in a node.
# You can specify your own server name using the PROF_serverName option.
# The default server name for an application server is server1.
# The default server name for an secure proxy server is proxy1.收起
互联网服务 · 2015-03-15
http://www-01.ibm.com/support/kn ... 7_7.0.0%2F1-5-0-4-2显示全部
IT分销/经销 · 2014-06-25
IT分销/经销 · 2014-06-25
互联网服务 · 2014-06-25
IT分销/经销 · 2014-06-25
Operating Systems supported with 32-bit WebSphere Application Server                Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Version 4 with Update 6Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Version 5 with Update 1Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Ve...显示全部
Operating Systems supported with 32-bit WebSphere Application Server               
Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Version 4 with Update 6
Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Version 5 with Update 1
Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Version 6 (minimum WebSphere Application Server v (See Required Detail 12)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux product site
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, Version 9 with SP4
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server product site
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, Version 10 with Update 1
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server product site
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, Version 11 (See Required Detail 6)
including SP1 and SP2
Asianux Server 3 with SP2 (minimum Websphere Application Server v7.0.0.9) (See Required Detail 9)
Operating Systems supported with 64-bit WebSphere Application Server               
Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Version 4 with Update 6
Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Version 5 with Update 1
Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Version 6 (minimum WebSphere Application Server v (See Required Detail 12)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux product site
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, Version 9 with SP4
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server product site
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, Version 10 with Update 1
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server product site
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, Version 11 (See Required Detail 6)
Asianux Server 3 with SP2 (minimum Websphere Application Server v7.0.0.9) (See Required Detail 9)收起
IT分销/经销 · 2014-06-25







  • 发布时间:2014-06-25
  • 关注会员:1 人
  • 问题浏览:5653
  • 最近回答:2015-03-15
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