
关于启动tsm服务 server 报错

ANR7801I Subsystem process ID is 15939.
ANR4979W Use of environment variable DSMSERV_DIR is no longer supported.
ANR0900I Processing options file /opt/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/dsmserv.opt.
ANR7814I Using instance directory /opt/tivoli/tsm/server/bin.
ANR4726I The ICC support module has been loaded.
ANR0990I Server restart-recovery in progress.
ANR9999D Error reading from standard input; console input daemon terminated.
ANR0152I Database manager successfully started.
ANR0226S The database ID file could not be found for server startup.

8 同行回答

jiaxu2000 jiaxu2000 系统工程师 沈阳医学院附属中心医院

find一下那个dbid文件,实在找不到可以用dsmserv加-S参数重建 收起
事业单位 · 2014-07-10
玉树林风 玉树林风 联盟成员 系统工程师 中国民生银行
楼上powertiandi说的对,请参照:以root用户r:Run the following command to source db2profile and reset the environment variables:./home/tsminst1/sqllib/db2profilecd /home/tsminst1/opt/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/dsmserv -u tsminst1 -i /home/tsminst1或者以实例用户...显示全部

Run the following command to source db2profile and reset the environment variables:
cd /home/tsminst1
/opt/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/dsmserv -u tsminst1 -i /home/tsminst1


su - tsminst1
cd /home/tsminst1
/opt/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/dsmserv 收起
银行 · 2014-07-10
玉树林风 玉树林风 联盟成员 系统工程师 中国民生银行
ANR0358E Database initialization failed: sufficient memory is not available.感觉你db2数据库都没起来,ps  -ef  | grep db2sysc检查下实例状态,db2 list active database看下,不行就重启机器试试 应该是被root用户自动拉起来的服务。...显示全部
ANR0358E Database initialization failed: sufficient memory is not available.

感觉你db2数据库都没起来,ps  -ef  | grep db2sysc检查下实例状态,db2 list active database看下,不行就重启机器试试 应该是被root用户自动拉起来的服务。 收起
银行 · 2014-07-10
powertiandi powertiandi 联盟成员 系统架构师 李宁(中国)体育用品有限公司
启动tsm 应该使用的是实例用户,在正确的目录启动,默认不应该使用root启动显示全部
启动tsm 应该使用的是实例用户,在正确的目录启动,默认不应该使用root启动 收起
互联网服务 · 2014-07-10
bu33hui bu33hui 售后技术支持 acorn
回复 4# 玉树林风 怎么建立dsmserv.dbid  这个文件我没看到显示全部
回复 4# 玉树林风

怎么建立dsmserv.dbid  这个文件我没看到 收起
IT分销/经销 · 2014-07-10
玉树林风 玉树林风 联盟成员 系统工程师 中国民生银行
官方问题描述:ANR0226S: The database ID file could not be found for server startup.ExplanationThe server's database ID file (dsmserv.dbid) could not be found. This file is created when the database is formatted, is stored in the directory from which th...显示全部
ANR0226S: The database ID file could not be found for server startup.
The server's database ID file (dsmserv.dbid) could not be found. This file is created when the database is formatted, is stored in the directory from which the format is performed, and is required for normal server operation.

System action
The server does not start.

User response
Ensure that you are starting the server from the correct instance directory, and that the dsmserv.dbid file exists and can be read. If no dsmserv.dbid file exists, restart the server with the -S option to create a new database ID file.

Parent topic: Server ANR messages list 收起
银行 · 2014-07-10
bu33hui bu33hui 售后技术支持 acorn
回复 1# bu33hui 我用root用户启动的又报这个错[root@backup bin]# ./dsmserv &[1] 22030[root@backup bin]# ANR7800I DSMSERV generated at 12:40:09 on Oct 10 2011.Tivoli Storage Manager for Linux/x86_64Version 6, Release 3, Level 0.0Licensed Materials - Pr...显示全部
回复 1# bu33hui

[root@backup bin]# ./dsmserv &
[1] 22030
[root@backup bin]# ANR7800I DSMSERV generated at 12:40:09 on Oct 10 2011.

Tivoli Storage Manager for Linux/x86_64

Version 6, Release 3, Level 0.0

Licensed Materials - Property of IBM

(C) Copyright IBM Corporation 1990, 2011.
All rights reserved.
U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure
restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corporation.

ANR7801I Subsystem process ID is 22030.
ANR4979W Use of environment variable DSMSERV_DIR is no longer supported.
ANR0900I Processing options file /opt/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/dsmserv.opt.
ANR7814I Using instance directory /opt/tivoli/tsm/server/bin.
ANR4726I The ICC support module has been loaded.
ANR0990I Server restart-recovery in progress.
ANR9999D Error reading from standard input; console input daemon terminated.
ANR9999D_0627913354 dbInitGlobals(dbiinit.c:1196) Thread<1>: Error -1 setting up preliminary database environment.
ANR9999D Thread<1> issued message 9999 from:
ANR9999D Thread<1>  0x00000000d1ca03 OutDiagToCons
ANR9999D Thread<1>  0x00000000d1f838 outDiagfExt
ANR9999D Thread<1>  0x00000000a35df8 dbInitGlobals
ANR9999D Thread<1>  0x00000000a36fb8 dbiInit
ANR9999D Thread<1>  0x0000000048c04b admStartServer
ANR9999D Thread<1>  0x000000004769e8 main
ANR9999D Thread<1>  0x0000393601d994 *UNKNOWN*
ANR9999D Thread<1>  0x00000000474de9 *UNKNOWN*
ANR0358E Database initialization failed: sufficient memory is not available. 收起
IT分销/经销 · 2014-07-10
powertiandi powertiandi 联盟成员 系统架构师 李宁(中国)体育用品有限公司
你启动的使用dsmserv.dbid 能找到吗,应该是启动的时候目录不对,先确定一下这个。显示全部
你启动的使用dsmserv.dbid 能找到吗,应该是启动的时候目录不对,先确定一下这个。 收起
互联网服务 · 2014-07-10


售后技术支持 acorn


  • 发布时间:2014-07-10
  • 关注会员:1 人
  • 问题浏览:11270
  • 最近回答:2014-07-10
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