作者luxiao1223·2012-06-15 12:48


字数 5741阅读 4893评论 7赞 4
CMSYSPROPS   This table has the Content Store Version.   
CMOBJNAMES   This table has the names of all the objects in the content store.   
CMOBJPROPS1   Users, Roles Group Distribution list and contact information such as Email, phone number, Fax Given name etc are stored in this table   
CMOBJPROPS2   Report scheduling information is stored. This table has fields like hour, day week etc   
CMOBJPROPS3   Stores Screen Tip and Object description provided while creating the objects are stored here   
CMOBJPROPS4   Stores the printer paper setting details like height and width of A3 , A4 , letter and 11X17 paper orientations   
CMOBJPROPS6   Has the details of the all packages which were published using the FM.   
CMOBJPROPS7   This table stores the XML of all reports and models. This is basically to maintain the metadata about the structure of the reports and models.   
CMOBJPROPS10   Contact information is stored in this table. This table has columns like Contact Email and Contact.   
CMOBJPROPS11   This table stores the data sources configuration details like connect string, the cube location etc.   
CMOBJPROPS13   It stores the names of parameter passed to the range prompts   
CMOBJPROPS14   Has details regarding the versions, creation time etc of the objects in the content store.   
CMOBJPROPS16   This table provides the status of the multiple services of Cognos like LogService, MonitorService, ReportService, SystemService, JobService   
CMOBJPROPS17   Stores performance details of each component like “query Studio, Analysis Studio, Event Studio” etc   
CMOBJPROPS18   This table stores the drill path from the source to the final target report.   
CMOBJPROPS20   Stores details regarding which are all the reports for which prompting has been enabled. And also has the details of which are the reports which has the                                  default report options overridden.   
CMOBJPROPS24   Stores the printer configuration details   
CMOBJPROPS25   Stores the data regarding the objects deployed, like the deployed folder, the reports, the number of folders present in the deployment archive, etc   
CMOBJPROPS26   This table stores the data about all the packages imported / exported in C8, with the properties selected during the process.   
CMOBJPROPS27   Has the details regarding the data source created in the content store using Cubes.   
CMOBJPROPS30   Stores the registration , service description etc details about portlets in this table   
CMOBJPROPS31   Has the custom logging level for each of the Cognos services, CMID can be be linked to CMOBJNAMES for the names of each of the services   
CMOBJPROPS32   Has the details of the stored procedures used as the query items in the FM model.   
CMOBJPROPS33   Detail related to users, user groups user roles.   
CMOBJPROPS34   Has the details regarding the drill through parameters of the drill through reports. The parameter assign values are present in coded format   
CMOBJPROPS36   Has the list of all the Models published using framework manager   
CMOBJPROPS37   This table has the details of the routing sets configured for server / load balancing for each package published in the content store   
CMOBJPROPS38   Configuration details about number of items to retrieve in studios, for a package are saved under this table.   
CMOBJPROPS39   Has values for properties of reports and views. PROPID can be linked to CMPROPERTIES for property names   
CMOBJPROPS52   Contains the properties for the connections   
CMOBJPROPS55   Has the URI for icons for each entry in Cognos Connection   
CMLOCALES        Has the locale ids associated with each language supported by Cognos 8   

表:CMCAPACITY 这张表保存的是内容库的容量信息,就是做集群的时候配置的server group的负载均衡。表里面的数据有所有在cognos configuration里配置供failover的内容库链接,以及他们的负载比例。其中有条记录是当前活动内容库的链接。

[Start Service]

1. 15:19:18, 'LogService', 'StartService', 'Success'.

2. 15:19:24, CM-CFG-5063 A Content Manager configuration error was detected while connecting to the content store.


CM-CFG-5114 An error occurred while locking the content store database.


CM-CFG-5114 An error occurred while locking the content store database.

3. 15:19:24, 'ContentManager', 'getActiveContentManager', 'Failure'.

DPR-CMI-4006 Unable to determine the active Content Manager. Will retry periodically.

4. 15:19:24, 'com.cognos.pogo.contentmanager.coordinator.ActiveCMControl', 'pogo', 'Failure'.

DPR-DPR-1035 Dispatcher detected an error.




添加新评论7 条评论

2013-11-25 22:45
学习学习 好东东
2013-01-15 11:28
aadonshao: 可以更换不同类型存储库吗,这个可行不?之前用oracle存储库,现在更换derby存储库,模型、报表等还能正常使用吗?
可以的,你需要将原有的oracle内容库整库导出,然后在新环境的cognos管理端导入即可。生产环境 不建议使用derby。。。
2013-01-09 16:12
hikeplayguitar: 报表都是存储在内容库里的,换了内容库,报表就没了。最少得提前做好迁移的准备工作吧~~
2013-01-09 11:59
aadonshao: 可以更换不同类型存储库吗,这个可行不?之前用oracle存储库,现在更换derby存储库,模型、报表等还能正常使用吗?
2013-01-09 10:58
hikeplayguitar: 嘿嘿,早就想瞅瞅内容库的内里乾坤了,只是一直用derby没法瞅。现在马上换做oracle瞅瞅
2013-01-09 10:56
2013-01-06 09:22
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