请问在Cognos Business Intelligence 10.2.2中多维分析组件叫什么?

大家好,请问在Cognos Business Intelligence 10.2.2中多维分析组件叫什么?就是原来的Analysis Studio?在官网的试用版中看不到Analysis Studio?不知是否改名了?Developer Edition 试用版下载包含以下组件:IBM Cognos BI 10.2.1 - Report studio、Active Reports、Cognos Worksp...显示全部
大家好,请问在Cognos Business Intelligence 10.2.2中多维分析组件叫什么?就是原来的Analysis Studio?在官网的试用版中看不到Analysis Studio?不知是否改名了?

Developer Edition 试用版下载包含以下组件:

IBM Cognos BI 10.2.1 - Report studio、Active Reports、Cognos Workspace、Cognos Workspace Advanced、Cognos Viewer、Cognos Connection、Cognos Administration、Cognos MobileIBM Cognos BI Framework Manager示例 - Informix 中的 IBM Cognos BI 示例内容存储 - Informix数据源 - Manager Console:DB2、Informix、Microsoft SQL Server、Oracle、Sybase、ODBC、TM1;Cognos Admin:MySQL、JDBC 等应用服务器 – Tomcat收起

查看其它 1 个回答kent的回答

workspace and advanced do everythng that analysis studio does and more, i assume they thibk that will do for us
I suspect QS and QA will be joining PowerPlay Studio in the Cognos scrap heap based on what I'm hearing from folks at Insight. That doesn't mean they won't function, but that they won't be getting future updates and new customers will not be able to purchase them.

PowerPlay Studio is still in wide use within my organization so I can assure you that when IBM deprecates a studio in Cognos it still has a long life.

互联网服务 · 2015-04-20


擅长领域: 商业智能大数据cognos

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  • 发布时间:2015-04-20
  • 关注会员:1 人
  • 回答浏览:765
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