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Technote (troubleshooting)





这段代码使用“所有文档”视图的选择公式来收集所有文档 -
"@IsNotMember(""A""; ExcludeFromView) & IsMailStationery != 1" + _
"& Form != ""Group"" & Form != ""Person""".

特别注意:下面是一个实例脚本,仅是一个解决此问题的方式之一。IBM Lotus支持团队不会为特定客户配置来定制这段脚本。然而这个例子对很多客户来说是很有用的,提供此例仅作为一个建议,IBM Lotus不会提供进一步的支持。

Dim s As New NotesSession
Dim w As New NotesUIWorkspace
Dim destDb As New NotesDatabase("","")
Dim sourceDb As New NotesDatabase("","")
Dim AllDocs As NotesDocumentCollection
Dim AllDocsView As NotesView
Dim sourceDoc As NotesDocument
Dim destDoc As NotesDocument
Dim tempDoc As NotesDocument
Dim docCount As Variant
Dim current As Variant
Dim choices (0 To 2) As Variant

choices(0) = "Current Database"
choices(1) = "Local Database"
choices(2) = "Database on Server"

' get source database
sourceDbType = w.Prompt(PROMPT_OKCANCELLIST, "Select Database Location", _
"Select the location of the database you would like to copy from:", _
choices(0), choices)

If sourceDbType = "" Then
Messagebox "Operation cancelled"
Exit Sub
End If

If sourceDbType = choices(0) Then
Set sourceDb = s.CurrentDatabase
If sourceDbType = choices(1) Then
sourceDbServer = ""
sourceDbNameReturn = w.OpenFileDialog(False, _
"Please select the database you would like to copy from", "*.nsf", _
s.GetEnvironmentString("Directory", True))
If Isempty(sourceDbNameReturn) Then 'Means they hit Cancel
Msgbox("Operation cancelled: Unable to continue without a filename.")
Exit Sub
End If
sourceDbServer = Inputbox("Enter the name of the Domino server")
sourceDbName = Inputbox("Enter the filename of the database relative to the server data directory")
If sourceDbName = "" Then
Msgbox("Operation cancelled: Unable to continue without a filename.")
Exit Sub
End If
End If
If Not (sourceDb.Open(sourceDbServer, sourceDbName)) Then
Msgbox("Unable to find/open file: " + sourceDbName)
Exit Sub
End If
End If

' get destination database
destDbType = w.Prompt(PROMPT_OKCANCELLIST, "Destination Database", _
"Select the location of the database you would like to copy documents/folders to", _
choices(1), choices)

If destDbType = "" Then
Messagebox "Operation cancelled"
Exit Sub
End If
If destDbType = choices(0) Then
Set destDb = s.CurrentDatabase
If destDbType = choices(1) Then
destDbServer = ""
destDbNameReturn = w.OpenFileDialog(False, _
"Please select the database you would like to copy from", "*.nsf", _
s.GetEnvironmentString("Directory", True))
If Isempty(destDbNameReturn) Then 'Means they hit Cancel
Msgbox("Operation cancelled: Unable to continue without a filename.")
Exit Sub
End If
destDbServer = Inputbox("Enter the name of the Domino server")
destDbName = Inputbox("Enter the filename of the database relative to the server data directory")
If destDbName = "" Then
Msgbox("Operation cancelled: Unable to continue without a filename.")
Exit Sub
End If
End If
If Not (destDb.Open(destDbServer,destDbName)) Then
Msgbox("Unable to find/open file: " + destDbName)
Exit Sub
End If
End If

If destdb.server=sourcedb.server And destdb.filename=sourcedb.filename And destdb.filepath=sourcedb.filepath Then
Msgbox("Source and Destination database should not be the same database")
Exit Sub
End If

' Build collection of all documents in source database using selection
' formula similar to that used in the Mail templates All Documents view
AllDocsSelect = "@IsNotMember(""A""; ExcludeFromView) & IsMailStationery != 1" + _
"& Form != ""Group"" & Form != ""Person"""
Set AllDocs = sourceDb.Search(AllDocsSelect, Nothing, 0)

' display progress
docCount = AllDocs.Count
current = 0
Print Cstr(Round(current / docCount * 100, 0)) + "% copied"

' step through each folder in source database except system folders other than Inbox
Forall folder In sourceDb.Views
If folder.IsFolder And (Instr(1, folder.Name, "(", 0)<>1 Or folder.Name="($Inbox)") Then

' The following code ensures that folders with no docs in them still get copied
' so that any folder design customizations are kept
Set destFolder = destDb.GetView(folder.Name)
If destFolder Is Nothing Then
Set sourceFolder = sourceDb.GetDocumentByUNID(folder.UniversalID)
Call sourceFolder.CopyToDatabase(destDb)
Set destFolder = destDb.GetView(folder.Name)
If destFolder Is Nothing Then
Msgbox("Unable to create folder in new database.")
Exit Sub
End If
End If
' cycle through each doc in the current folder
Set sourceDoc = folder.GetFirstDocument
While Not (sourceDoc Is Nothing)
Set destDoc = sourceDoc.CopyToDatabase(destDb)
' copy each document to the same folder in the destination database
Call destDoc.PutInFolder(folder.Name, True)
' remove document from the collection of docs built from source db all docs view
Set tempDoc = AllDocs.GetDocument(sourceDoc)
Set sourceDoc = folder.GetNextDocument(tempDoc)
Call AllDocs.DeleteDocument(tempDoc) 'remove from collection
' display progress
current = current + 1
Print Cstr(Round(current / docCount * 100, 0)) + "% copied"
End If
End Forall

' docs remaining in collection are not in any folder - copy these to dest. db
Set sourceDoc = AllDocs.GetFirstDocument
While Not (sourceDoc Is Nothing)
Call sourceDoc.CopyToDatabase(destDb)
' display progress
current = current + 1
Print Cstr(Round(current / docCount * 100, 0)) + "% copied"
Set sourceDoc = AllDocs.GetNextDocument(sourceDoc)
Msgbox("Documents have been copied. Close and reopen the destination file (if it is open) so that it can be refreshed.")



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