作者bbl271685939·2013-09-26 16:32


字数 1517阅读 4062评论 0赞 1

Verify BPA FRUs’ health – H187789, H187393, H183446; H095064

1) do pesh login. (make sure logged into HMC as hscpe)

   ("su -" to root if you have access problem.)

2) telnet <BPC IP ADDRESS> 8890


3) Enter Option:  c 970000  to obtain the BPA Power Status.

4) If the second byte of returned data is set to  91

   (example rc = 00:xx91xxxxxxxxxxxxxx where xx=any number) then the health is good. Type 'x' to exit the PTLIC menu.

5) Repeat steps 2 - 4 for BPC-B.


3) c 110000ffx0 , where x = 8 for BPC-A and x=C for BPC-B

4) After clearing the BPC error log you should wait 3 minutes and then recheck the BPC error log and see if it gets reposted.  If an error is reposted, then this needs to be resolved.

5) Recheck the BPC error log;

   telnet  (ip address of BPC) 8890

      d       ;will list all Power errors

      d 1     ;will display 1st error detail, and 2 for 2nd's

6) 'x' enter (exit)


>>> To reboot BPC if health is good (only when be directed)


1) telnet <BPC IP ADDRESS>  (no 8890)

2) Use "root" for the user ID and "FipSroot" for the password.

3) At the command prompt, enter  reboot  then press ENTER.

The amber LED on that BPC will turn off.  Soon that LED will begin to blink.  The LED will stop blinking after a few minutes and will stay on solid to indicate that the reboot process is complete.



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