DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-514, SQLSTATE=26501

应用部署在was 8.5上应用启动后,登录页面报错Error 500: org.springframework.jdbc.UncategorizedSQLException: Hibernate operation: could not execute query; uncategorized SQLException for SQL [select this_.id as id73_0_, this_.rname as rname73_0_, this_.res...显示全部

应用部署在was 8.5上


Error 500: org.springframework.jdbc.UncategorizedSQLException: Hibernate operation: could not execute query; uncategorized SQLException for SQL [select this_.id as id73_0_, this_.rname as rname73_0_, this_.res_type as res3_73_0_, this_.res_string as res4_73_0_, this_.seq as seq73_0_ from HVPS.security_resources this_ order by this_.seq asc]; SQL state [26501]; error code [-514]; DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-514, SQLSTATE=26501, SQLERRMC=SQL_CURLN100C1, DRIVER=3.63.107; nested exception is com.ibm.websphere.ce.cm.StaleConnectionException: DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-514, SQLSTATE=26501, SQLERRMC=SQL_CURLN100C1, DRIVER=3.63.107




SQL0514N  The cursor \"\" is not in a prepared state.


The application program tried to use a cursor that is not in a prepared

state. The cursor is associated with a statement that meets the

following conditions:

1. was never prepared

2. was made not valid by either an explicit or implicit rebind of the


3. was prepared in a previous transaction and the application\'s package

   is bound with KEEPDYNAMIC NO

The statement cannot be processed.

User response:

1. Prepare the statement named in the DECLARE CURSOR statement before  you try to open the cursor.

2. The prepare for the cursor must be reissued.

3. The statement should be prepared again after COMMIT or ROLLBACK.

   Alternatively, either bind the package with KEEPDYNAMIC YES or use

   the ALTER PACKAGE statement to change the KEEPDYNAMIC property to   YES.

政府机关 · 2017-04-18



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  • 发布时间:2017-04-18
  • 关注会员:2 人
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