
P6 570 9117MMA更换IO背板问题

现有一台过保P6 570,我在IBM信息中心查到如下信息:Set System Enclosure Type       The enclosure serial number is storedin the I/O backplane. When an I/O backplane is replaced, the sevendigit serial number printed on a bar-coded label ...显示全部
现有一台过保P6 570,我在IBM信息中心查到如下信息:Set System Enclosure Type


The enclosure serial number is storedin the I/O backplane. When an I/O backplane is replaced, the sevendigit serial number printed on a bar-coded label on the system unit,needs to be manually inputted and stored in the new I/O backplaneusing ASMI.

Note: To perform this operation, your authority levelmust be Authorized Service Provider (ID: celogin).

To input the enclosure serial number:

  On the ASMI Welcome pane, specify your user ID and password, andclick "Log In".In the navigation area, expand "System Configuration" and "ProgramVital Product Data".Select "System Enclosures". In the right pane, the current systemenclosures are displayed.On the system being serviced, record the enclosure serial numberprinted on the bar-coded label on the system unit.Enter the enclosure serial number recorded from the system unitin the "Enclosure serial number" field.Click "Save settings" to update and save the enclosure serialnumber

这是否意味着,过保的P6 570在没有celogin密码的情况下无法更换IO背板?

查看其它 2 个回答cnbj2046的回答

查了些资料搞明白了。P6 已经解除了celogin限制,可以用celogin1登陆进去进行设置。
互联网服务 · 2013-09-24


擅长领域: 云计算虚拟化PowerVM

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  • 发布时间:2013-09-24
  • 关注会员:1 人
  • 回答浏览:1805
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