



互联网服务 · 2015-03-24
银行 · 2015-03-23
另外,你ssh到你的hmc上,使用首字母+tab键 ,自然就可以列出来相关命令,要习惯使用帮助命令。help显示全部
另外,你ssh到你的hmc上,使用首字母+tab键 ,自然就可以列出来相关命令,要习惯使用帮助命令。help收起
互联网服务 · 2015-03-19
HMC Command DescriptionsThis topic includes descriptions of the HMC commands.A description of each HMC command is given in this topic. This information is also available from the HMC command line using the man command.asmmenu - provides access to Adv...显示全部
HMC Command Descriptions

This topic includes descriptions of the HMC commands.

A description of each HMC command is given in this topic. This information is also available from the HMC command line using the man command.

asmmenu - provides access to Advanced System Management menu

bkconsdata - back up console data

bkprofdata - back up profile data

chaccfg - change access control configuration

chcod - change Capacity on Demand

chhmc - change Hardware Management Console configuration information

chhmcusr - change a Hardware Management Console user

chhwres - change hardware resources

chkmedia - check media readiness

chled - change LED

chlparutil - change utilization data collection settings

chsacfg - change Service Agent configuration

chsvcevent - update a serviceable event on the HMC

chsyscfg - change system resources

chsyspwd - change system password

chsysstate - change partition state or system state

chusrtca - provides Terms and Conditions agreement panel at login

chvet - activate Virtualization Engine(TM) systems technologies

cpdump - copy dumps

cpsysplan - copy system plan

deploysysplan - deploy system plan

dlslic - query the Licensed Internal Code (LIC) level of each Power FRU

getdump - get dump

getupgfiles - get upgrade files

hmcshutdown - shut down the Hardware Management Console

hmcwin - provides screen capture on HMC

lpar_netboot - retrieve MAC address and physical location code from network adapters for a partition or instruct a partition to network boot

lpcfgop - perform a partition configuration image operation

lsaccfg - list access control configuration information

lscod - list Capacity on Demand information

lsdump - list dumps

lshmc - list Hardware Management Console configuration information

lshmcusr - list Hardware Management Console user information

lshwinfo - list environmental information

lshwres - list hardware resources

lsled - list LEDs

lslic - list Licensed Internal Code levels

lslock - list lock information

lslparutil - list utilization data

lsmediadev - list storage media devices

lsrefcode - list reference codes

lssacfg - list Service Agent configuration information

lssvcevents - list console or serviceable events

lssyscfg - list system resources

lssysconn - list system connections

lssysplan - list system plans

lsusrtca - displays status Terms and Conditions agreement prompting

lsvet - list Virtualization Engine(TM) systems technologies information

migrcfg - migrate configuration

mkaccfg - create access control object

mkhmcusr - create a Hardware Management Console user

mksyscfg - create system resources

mksysconn - create system connection

mksysplan - make system plan file

mkvterm - open a virtual terminal session

monhmc - monitor HMC subsystems and system resources

pedbg - Product Engineering debug tools

pesh - provides PE Shell access

rmaccfg - remove access control object

rmhmcusr - remove a Hardware Management Console user

rmlock - remove lock

rmlparutil - remove utilization data

rmprofdata - remove profile data

rmsyscfg - remove a system resource

rmsysconn - remove system connection

rmsysplan - remove system plan

rmvterm - close a virtual terminal session

rsthwres - restore hardware resources

rstprofdata - restore profile data

rstupgdata - restore upgrade data

saveupgdata - save upgrade data

sendfile - transfer file from the HMC to a remote system

startdump - start dump

updhmc - update code on the Hardware Management Console

updlic - update Licensed Internal Code (LIC)

viosvrcmd - issue virtual I/O server command

vtmenu - displays a list of partitions

硬件生产 · 2015-03-19
http://www-01.ibm.com/support/kn ... m?cp=POWER5&lang=zhibm知识库啊显示全部
硬件生产 · 2015-03-19


擅长领域: 服务器系统管理Unix





  • 发布时间:2015-03-19
  • 关注会员:1 人
  • 问题浏览:8595
  • 最近回答:2015-03-24
  • X社区推广