作者zwz99999·2020-04-03 14:17

执行 powermt 显示存储链路状态为 dead 的解决办法

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执行 powermt 显示存储链路状态为 dead 的解决办法


主机( HP-UX) 挂机了 EMC 存储后,通过 ioscan -fnCdisk 能够看到 EMC 存储盘,但是通过 diskinfo /dev/rdsk/cxtxdx 报 error 错误。


出现该问题主要是由于 powerpath 引起,具体解决如下:

powermt display dev=all

Pseudo name=emcpower4a
CLARiiON ID=CK200041200044
Logical device ID=6006016028A610000AF03A428708D911
state=alive; policy=CLAROpt; priority=0; queued-IOs=0

Owner: default=SP B, current=Unknown

---------------- Host --------------- - Stor - -- I/O Path - -- Stats ---

HW Path I/O Paths Interf. Mode State Q-IOs Errors

2304 pci@8/fibre-channel@4 c2t0d3s0 SP B0 active dead 0 0
2304 pci@8/fibre-channel@4 c2t1d3s0 SP A0 active dead 0 0
2305 pci@8/fibre-channel@5 c3t0d3s0 SP B0 active dead 0 0
2305 pci@8/fibre-channel@5c3t1d3s0 SP A0 active dead 0 0

这些 state 为 dead 的状态都是错误的 .

  1. 执行重新配置

powermt check

Warning: CLARiiON device path c2t0d0s0 is currently dead.
Do you want to remove it (y/n/a/q)? y
Warning: CLARiiON device path c2t0d1s0 is currently dead.
Do you want to remove it (y/n/a/q)? y
Warning: CLARiiON device path c2t0d2s0 is currently dead.
Do you want to remove it (y/n/a/q)? a
Warning: CLARiiON device path c2t0d3s0 is currently dead.
Warning: CLARiiON device path c2t0d4s0 is currently dead.
Warning: CLARiiON device path c2t1d0s0 is currently dead.
Warning: CLARiiON device path c2t1d1s0 is currently dead.

powermt config

powermt save

powermt display dev=all

Pseudo name=emcpower7a
CLARiiON ID=CK200041200044 [Storage Group 2]
Logical device ID=6006016028A61000482F2BA9720CD911 [LUN 1]
state=alive; policy=CLAROpt; priority=0; queued-IOs=0

Owner: default=SP B, current=SP B

---------------- Host --------------- - Stor - -- I/O Path - -- Stats ---

HW Path I/O Paths Interf. Mode State Q-IOs Errors

2304 pci@8/fibre-channel@4 c2t0d0s0 SP B0 active alive 0 0
2304 pci@8/fibre-channel@4 c2t1d0s0 SP A0 active alive 0 0
2305 pci@8/fibre-channel@5 c3t0d0s0 SP B0 active alive 0 0
2305 pci@8/fibre-channel@5c3t1d0s0 SP A0 active alive 0 0

此时的 state 为 alive 状态,表示正常 .



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