软件开发 Informix

informix 恢复报错,错误码124?

以下是恢复日志 bar_act.log 2017-11-07 15:23:39 12252 12250 /opt/informix/bin/onbar_d -r -p -t 2017-11-07 15:23:08 2017-11-07 15:23:39 12252 12250 Using scutech's dbackup3 version 1.1.0 as the Storage Manager. XBSA API version is 1.1.0. 2017-11-07... 显示全部

以下是恢复日志 bar_act.log

 2017-11-07 15:23:39 12252  12250 /opt/informix/bin/onbar_d -r -p -t 2017-11-07 15:23:08
 2017-11-07 15:23:39 12252  12250 Using scutech's dbackup3 version 1.1.0 as the Storage Manager. XBSA API version is 1.1.0.
 2017-11-07 15:23:39 12252  12250 Working with dbackup3 as generic storage manager.
 2017-11-07 15:23:39 12252  12250 Successfully connected to Storage Manager.
 2017-11-07 15:23:39 12252  12250 XBSA Error: (BSATerminate) Invalid XBSA function call sequence.
 2017-11-07 15:23:39 12252  12250 bar_build_timeline: target time 1510039388
 2017-11-07 15:23:40 12252  12250 Begin reserved pages read (level 0 of rootdbs, Storage Manager copy ID: 129 0).
 2017-11-07 15:23:40 12252  12250 (-43178) The data returned from the Storage Manager for restore is incomplete.
 2017-11-07 15:23:40 12252  12250 (-43342) Cannot read reserved pages from rootdbs object.
 2017-11-07 15:23:40 12252  12250 /opt/informix/bin/onbar_d complete, returning 124 (0x7c)


以下是备份日志 bar_act.log

2017-11-07 15:23:08 12223  12221 /opt/informix/bin/onbar_d -b -w -L 0
2017-11-07 15:23:08 12223  12221 Using scutech's dbackup3 version 1.1.0 as the Storage Manager. XBSA API version is 1.1.0.
2017-11-07 15:23:08 12223  12221 Working with dbackup3 as generic storage manager.
2017-11-07 15:23:08 12223  12221 Successfully connected to Storage Manager.
2017-11-07 15:23:08 12223  12221 XBSA Error: (BSATerminate) Invalid XBSA function call sequence.
2017-11-07 15:23:08 12223  12221 Archive started on rootdbs (Requested Level 0).
2017-11-07 15:23:08 12223  12221 Begin level 0 backup rootdbs.
2017-11-07 15:23:09 12223  12221 Completed level 0 backup rootdbs (Storage Manager copy ID: 129 0).
2017-11-07 15:23:09 12223  12221 Archive on rootdbs Completed (Requested Level 0).
2017-11-07 15:23:09 12223  12221 Begin backup logical log 33.
2017-11-07 15:23:09 12223  12221 Successfully connected to Storage Manager.
2017-11-07 15:23:11 12223  12221 Completed backup logical log 33 (Storage Manager copy ID: 130 0).
2017-11-07 15:23:11 12223  12221 Begin backup of critical file '/opt/informix/etc/ixbar.0'.
2017-11-07 15:23:11 12223  12221 Successfully connected to Storage Manager.
2017-11-07 15:23:13 12223  12221 Completed backup of critical file '/opt/informix/etc/ixbar.0' (Storage Manager copy ID: 131 0).
2017-11-07 15:23:13 12223  12221 Begin backup of critical file '/opt/informix/etc/oncfg_demoserver.0'.
2017-11-07 15:23:13 12223  12221 Successfully connected to Storage Manager.
2017-11-07 15:23:15 12223  12221 Completed backup of critical file '/opt/informix/etc/oncfg_demoserver.0' (Storage Manager copy ID: 132 0).
2017-11-07 15:23:15 12223  12221 Begin backup of critical file '/opt/informix/etc/onconfig.demoserver'.
2017-11-07 15:23:15 12223  12221 Successfully connected to Storage Manager.
2017-11-07 15:23:16 12223  12221 Completed backup of critical file '/opt/informix/etc/onconfig.demoserver' (Storage Manager copy ID: 133 0).
2017-11-07 15:23:17 12223  12221 Begin backup of critical file '/opt/informix/etc/sqlhosts.demoserver'.
2017-11-07 15:23:17 12223  12221 Successfully connected to Storage Manager.
2017-11-07 15:23:18 12223  12221 Completed backup of critical file '/opt/informix/etc/sqlhosts.demoserver' (Storage Manager copy ID: 134 0).
2017-11-07 15:23:19 12223  12221 /opt/informix/bin/onbar_d complete, returning 0 (0x00)

查看其它 3 个回答q1813925884 的回答

q1813925884 q1813925884 系统运维工程师 某数据中心


互联网服务 · 2017-11-07


系统运维工程师 某数据中心
擅长领域: 存储备份数据安全

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  • 发布时间:2017-11-07
  • 关注会员:5 人
  • 回答浏览:4070
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