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1. cfgmgr 命令什么情况下会为硬盘生成PVID?分以下几种情况:
a. 新加入的硬盘,本身没有PVID。
b. 新加入的硬盘,但是已经有PVID。
c. 已经识别过的硬盘,但是已使用pv=clear清除PVID。
d. 已经识别过的硬盘,并且已经分配了PVID。


2. 以下是关于PVID的一段描述:
To make a disk into a physical volume, the PVID is placed onto the disk. ThePVID is an combination of the machine's serial number (from the systems EPROMs) and the date the PVID was generated. This combination ensures the extremely low chance of PVIDs being duplicated. When the system is booted, the disk configurator looks at the PVID residing on the disk and compares it with an entry in the ODM. If an entry is found, then the disk is given the hdiskx number in the ODM that is associated with the PVID. If there is no matching entry, then the next name in the pool of 'free' hdisk names is allocated to the physical volume.

a. 对于没有PVID的硬盘(或者使用pv=clear清除了PVID),如果硬盘在ODM中已经有了定义,但是系统重启后由于无法根据PVID在ODM中找到匹配的记录,是不是会导致系统重新分配新的名字给硬盘呢?
b. 对于没有PVID的硬盘(或者使用pv=clear清除了PVID),如果硬盘在ODM中已经有了定义,重启时会执行cfgmgr,那么cfgmgr会对硬盘重新分配PVID吗?如果会的话那之前清除PVID的操作不就白费力气了?
c. 没有PVID的情况下系统怎么将硬盘设备和ODM中的定义联系起来呢?

3. 下面是 Oracle ASM 的一段描述:

This note will give the steps to clear the PVID of these ASM Disks.
Solution When the PVID is set to a disk in a volume group, the PVID is stored in two locations. In Physical disk header ( within first 4K )and in AIX's system object database, called ODM ( Object Data Manager ). When the diskgroup is created, the disk header information of PVID is overwritten. However, with reboot the OS, from ODM, AIX might try to restore the PVID information onto the disk header, there by destroying the ASM metadata. So we need to run the following commands to update the ODM

意思是如果disk header的PVID被清除了,但是ODM中还存在PVID的话,那系统重启时会将PVID从ODM中还原到disk header,我的疑问是disk header的PVID都没了,系统是根据什么信息将硬盘设备和ODM中的定义联系起来的呢?

4. mkdev和cfgmgr都会对设备进行定义和配置,那么mkdev会和cfgmgr一样为硬盘设备生成PVID吗?


数据库管理员 tata



  • 发布时间:2014-07-28
  • 关注会员:4 人
  • 问题浏览:15375
  • 最近回答:2016-12-03
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