作者justdba·2014-01-07 14:48


字数 2367阅读 1848评论 0赞 1
#####未指定copy yes 测试
db2 connect to testdb

drop table st

create table st (id int primary key not null,name varchar(50),sex int not null) in testdb_data_8k_01 long in testdb_long_32k_01

create table st_exp like st in testdb_data_8k_01  long in testdb_long_32k_01
alter table st_exp add column ts timestamp add column msg clob(32k)

1,"xiao wang",1
2,"xiao chao",
3,"xiao zhao",1
3,"xiao qin",1
4,"xiao zhi",
5,"xiao cheng",1
5,"xiao ming",1
6,"xiao liu",1
7,"xiao li",1

load from student.del of del modified by dumpfile=/data/testdb/load/student.dmp messages student.msg insert into st for exception st_exp

select * from st
1 xiao wang 1
3 xiao zhao 1
5 xiao cheng 1
6 xiao liu 1
7 xiao li 1

select * from st_exp
3 xiao qin 1 2014-01-07 03:10:06 00001I0000500001
5 xiao ming 1 2014-01-07 03:10:06 00001I0000500001

more /data/testdb/load/student.dmp.load.000 
2,"xiao chao",
4,"xiao zhi",

--load结束,可恢复数据库未指定copy yes; 表空间处于0x0020 backup pending
db2 list tablespaces show detail|grep State

select * from T_TABLE_1
insert into  T_TABLE_1 select * from T_TABLE_1 where tableid=4 and tbspaceid=3
--不可写;报错db2 ? sql290

db2 backup db testdb tablespace TESTDB_DATA_8K_01 online to /data/backup compress include logs

db2 connect to testdb
db2 list tablespaces show detail|grep State

insert into T_TABLE_1 select * from T_TABLE_1 where tableid=4 and tbspaceid=3

#####copy yes 测试
delete from st
select * from st 

backup db testdb online to /data/backup compress include logs

connect to testdb
load from student.del of del modified by dumpfile=/data/testdb/load/student.dmp messages student.msg insert into st  for exception st_exp copy yes to /data/backup/load/copy

--copy出备份文件 4.db2inst1
ll /data/backup/load/copy
-rw-r----- 1 db2inst1 db2iadm1 1871872 Jan  7 03:25 TESTDB.4.db2inst1.NODE0000.CATN0000.20140107034727.001

db2 list tablespaces show detail|grep State

--恢复copy yes时load数据; 无需指定copy yes 所在位置
force application all
restore db testdb from /data/backup  taken at 20140107034727
rollforward db testdb to end of logs and stop
ROLLFORWARD db testdb  query status
connect to testdb
select * from st 
1 xiao wang 1
3 xiao zhao 1
5 xiao cheng 1
6 xiao liu 1
7 xiao li 1

所以load 时使用 copy yes 在归档的数据库中,实现数据的可恢复;否则会导致表空间不可改、写




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