作者DB-TrendSetter联盟成员·2016-03-22 16:22

db2划时代监控工具 (free ,open source)

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dsmtop introduction

You can use dsmtop to see key performance indicators in all of the same areas covered by db2top plus additional areas relevant to more recent features.  A few of the more significant views provided in dsmtop include:

  • Sessions – see at a glance which connections are active, blocked, or idle.  You can drill down on a connection to see details of the current state of execution of SQL that is
  • Executed SQL – see a list of recently executed statements.  Drill down is provided to see the full SQL text or run explain on a statement.
  • Top Consumers – find which connections or activities are consuming the most CPU, IO or other resource.
  • Time spent – shows a breakdown of where the monitored database is spending time, broken down to the full granularity provided by DB2.
  • PureScale performance
  • HADR status

Comparison to db2top

The goal of dsmtop is to improve on and extend the features that people liked in db2top.  With this is mind, it has much of the same look and feel of db2top.  It accepts the same command line arguments as db2top and recognizes hotkeys familiar to users of db2top.  There are some improvements and new features in dsmtop that people have been requesting for db2top.  Some highlights:

  • Support for recent DB2 features including PureScale, BLU (column store tables) and workload management.
  • Monitor remote databases.
  • Limited support for Windows.  You can run dsmtop on Windows, although a few features are not implemented for Windows.  See the README file for details.
  • Easier navigation with menus, in addition to support for hotkeys familiar to db2top users.
  • Views are no longer limited to the number of rows that you can fit on your screen.  Pagination is provided to scroll up and down.



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flywiththewindflywiththewind其它easy world
2016-03-25 13:50
冯哥 这个工具从哪下?还是新版本中自带的?
Ctrl+Enter 发表


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